- שנה: 2000
- מו"ל: Microsoft
- פורמט: גלויה
- נמסר ע"י: יונתן גרוסמן
- תגיות: מערכות הפעלה
OCR (הסבר)
Microsoft: 6 Microsoft Support Options - Microsoft Internet Explorer
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more information and details of the latest *Excludes standard connection charges and phone charges.
3 +MSN service available in UK, France, Germany, Japan, US, Australia and Canada.
r new subscribers.
Registration benefits may differ depending on the country of registration and
language version, and are subject to availability and change.
low To Use Online Regulation “Miciorolt Intéinet Explorer
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Knowledge Base
How To Use Online Registration
Article 1D: Q143029
Creation Date: 24-JAN-1996
Revision Date: 11-OCT-1996
fi microsorr | pRopucts
The information in this article applies to.
+ Microsoft Cinemania for Windows, 1996 and 1997 editions
* Microsoft Encarta World Atlas for Windows, 1996 edilion
* Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia for Windows, 1996 edition |i,
+ Microsoft Music Central for Windows, 1996 and 1997 editio
+ Microsoft Windows 95 operating system
AStart| 4 Start| [a] How To Use Online R.. How To Use Online R.
What we
Help BCS, Service
P & Other Files
Technical support when you need it.
Most of our products include a period of telephone
support to help you with any problems you encounter
when installing and setting up your Microsoft software.
What's more, it’s completely free of charge”.
But remember, your telephone support is for a limited
time only, and it begins from the day you make your first
call. That’s why we've provided some alternative ways
you can access relevant information absolutely free* -
so make sure you consult them first.
You'll find these other support services listed overleaf,
along with details of availability and access to Microsoft
Technical Support.
nswers are on the web.
more information and details of the latest
r new subscribers.
Choose a product or technology from the list below, then click List Files to
see a list of available Help files,
Notes, and sample files
=] Uri:
Try our file locator if you already know the name of
the Software Library file.
SO ee
Thank you for choosing
Microsoft® products. If
you haven’t already
used the on-line elec-
tronic registration wizard
within the product set up, please
take a few moments to register
your software by completing and
returning the form below.
search | (RGpRORT) | snop | weneus |
Help Files, Service
Packs, & Other Files
serace packs, drivers, patches, Application
cis. | searcn | gueRORE | snop | wrieus |
soft G issues Troubleshooter lists recommended troubleshooting step
Paotantia | benefit and least c
| This troubleshooter helps you resolve ¢
Peace of mind.
When you return this Registration Card, you are register-
ing a legal copy of your product with Microsoft.
Remember, you should always have a legal copy and
licence agreement for any software you use. Don’t use
illegal or unlicensed software. As well as breaking
the law, you may find that it is defective and
could damage your PC.
If you are working on a network,
make sure that you check that all the
copies you use are licensed.
*Excludes standard connection charges and phone charges.
+MSN service available in UK, France, Germany, Japan, US, Australia and Canada.
Registration benefits may differ depending on the country of registration and
language version, and are subject to availability and change.
ga i
Title CI mr CI omrs miss CI] Ms Dor | Does your PC have a CD-ROM drive? (tick one only)
Other (ease speet) fest fl Os fs en eo Te Yes [JNo [| Don'tknow
First name ee eee Sa | | Is your PC connected to a modem? (tick one only)
Surname i ee ee I za L213] fer | 3 LiYes [No Don'tknow
itle (¥appicav. | |
DOD LIVE (tapescabe LJ Litittittitttt * Fy 16 you have access tothe World Wide Web? (tick one only)
Companyname(toppicaviol_| | 1 1 1 | SSeS ee |e) mics im aac
Address LN [ee] YS Ts [eh i118
eae foe apa effi, | 5 How many children In your household are 16 years old or under? (If applicable)
faye enrea ims es i) | | mics
Town | ea | ) EE Pa TS DE Ld | [=] When using your PC at home, what type of activity do you use it for?
County LHittitpyititipt tit ti ty te (tick ai that apply)
Postcode L ISTE! a a Eee erin q
Tel no (incl.STD Code) J ot SESS SBE | |: eae ae as ae h o s
Preferred email address |_| ee Pf =| en ren lee aetoure G
, , » J Personal finance/household management Oo a
Lit le] l [eae | & 2
; Adult education/reference i) =
Where do you use a PC? [_] Work only (complete sections Ey and [C]) | = Children's echool Necgedeeation Q a
tick one only) [J Home only (complete sections E¥ and [C]) | Side A
(J Home and Work (complete sections Ey, E¥ and [G}) io ee g et eae A
Are you an MIS/IT/DP professional? (tick one only) (1 Yes (] No 4 ulligames/entertalnmenuhop bles
Electronic communications outside the home B
How many personal computers are on your site? (tick one only) Others (
et please specify)
(1-9 (10-19 []20 49 [_]50-99 [_] 100-249 [_] 250-499
500-999 1,000-2,499 () 2,500-9,999 [_]10,000+ Don't know
y Where did you buy this Microsoft product from?
How many employees are there on your site? (tick one only) |
[j19 [J1019 [)20-49 [_]50-99 [_] 100-199 200-249 []250-499 =! Name of outlet
[_]500-999 [J1,000-2,499 —_[_]2,500-9,999 [_]10,000+ [_] Don'tknow | Town
Which statement best describes your responsibility for the purchase and use of County
software on your site? (tick one only) | Don't know.
LJ Primarily responsible for setting corporate software policy | Microsoft and its marketing partners would like to Keep you informed of future
_J Primarily responsible for the technical evaluation and actual software purchase relevant products and offers. If you would prefer not to receive such information
Have some influence in the software purchase Part no. 87053
= —£ None of-the-above, but} use a personal computer regularly at work— — - — —
|_| Have major influence in the software purchase | please tick here
87 85 3
1. The Software ‘Help’ facility.
An in-built function in each Microsoft® product that holds hints, tips, wizards
and solutions to the majority of your questions. To access, simply click on
‘Help’ from the toolbar in your product.
Many products now give you access to relevant product and support sites
via Web links within their ‘Help’ menus.
2. The User Manual.
A comprehensive guide containing examples and routines for you to work
through. These will assist you in getting to know your product.
3. Technical support on-line.
Microsoft's World Wide Web site is easy to search. It's packed with extensive
product support and service information - all available free of charge” Explore
it and you'll find Frequently Asked Questions and the Microsoft Knowledge
Base, with answers to thousands of technical questions. You can also check
out the Microsoft Software Library for drivers, patches and updates.
4. Microsoft Faxback and Bulletin Board Services.
Many Microsoft Subsidiaries offer Bulletin Board and Faxback services. To
find out if these are available in your country, check the Technical Support
information within the ‘About’ section of the ‘Help’ menu.
Technical support by phone only.
If you still haven't found the answer to your question, you can
begin your period of non-chargeable Microsoft Technical Support.
Qualifying products include Microsoft Home, Desktop
= Applications, Personal Operating Systems (excluding com-
? munications and network related issues) and Development
Tools. Products that do not qualify are pre-installed software,
Microsoft® BackOffice™ family or software purchased through
any of Microsoft's volume purchasing programmes.
Your period of technical support begins from the day of your first call. To use
this service, or to check your support entitlement, please contact Microsoft
Technical Support in your country. The telephone number can be found
in the ‘About’ section of the ‘Help’ menu. Please note, policies and
entitlements are liable to change without notice.
Before you call, please ensure you have the following ready for the
Support Technician.
1. Your PC switched on and ready to use.
2. Your unique Product Identification Number.
Please write your Product Identification Number in the space below and
retain this section of the card for reference, as you will need it to obtain help
from our technical support services. You can find the Product Identification
Number in two possible places:
1. The 15-20 character number displayed on your screen while you are
installing your software.
2. If you have already installed your software, you can find the number by
clicking ‘Help’ then choosing ‘About’.
Product Identification Number
Pre-sales and non-technical support.
For pre-sales enquiries, contact your local subsidiary or browse Microsoft's
World Wide Web site on http://www.microsoft.com/ where you will find a
range of product information, including features and specifications.
* Excludes standard connection charges and phone charges
www. microsoft.com
How to register your new product.
Where do you want to go today?”
Microsoft, MSN, BackOffice and “Where do you want to go today?”
are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries,
office from the leaflet provided with your product, then return it to
All countries: Simply fill in the card, choose your local Microsoft
your local Microsoft office.