- שנה: 1988
- מו"ל: Digital Equipment Corporation
- פורמט: חוברת
- נמסר ע"י: ענת כרמי
- תגיות:
OCR (הסבר)
In a Crowded Market
Digital Gives You a Competitive Edge
Digital Helps You Meet the Challenge...
Digital Equipment Corporation has
already helped some of the most
successful companies in retailing grasp
and keep a competitive edge. We’ve
helped them meet not just normal
day-to-day operational needs, but also
longer-term strategic challenges, too.
The Digital concept of computing
was designed right from the start to
integrate organizations; we can link
together the three vital areas of
retailing: the stores, distribution
centers, and headquarters.
These links are critical, and your choice
of information technology supplier
should reflect that.
Rapid Change
In retailing, change has always been a
fact of life. But never has change been
so rapid.
Today is the era of the consumer. The
days of mass marketing are fading.
Instead, strategies have to be precisely
targeted on specific market sectors.
Difficult economic conditions mean
that retailers have to fight that much
harder for increased market share.
Simultaneously, cost of capital makes
high returns essential.
Increased Competition
Despite all the problems, selling space is
being added at an ever-increasing rate -
considerably higher than demand is
increasing. So someone has to lose. Part "4
of that space may be used in unexpected
ways: look how supermarkets are
widening their ranges; look how service
stations are selling everything from
groceries to videos. Increasingly, popular
shopping malls threaten conventionally
positioned stores. Home shopping is
still in its infancy, but could become a
major alternative to conventional stores
once the technology matures.
Information Strategy
Today’s successful retailers have very
clear ideas about where they gain
competitive advantages. They use these
ideas as a base for their business
strategies, which in turn define their
information strategies.
Ina changing and highly competitive
environment, as you know only too
well, being ‘‘good enough” is not
enough. You must be better than your
rivals. Information strategy can be one
of the most powerful tools available for
maximizing your competitive advantages.
Information technology is the means
by which you can realize those aims.
Your three critical areas are your branch
stores, the distribution network, and
finally, headquarters. All have their own
special information handling needs, but
they require interconnections for you to
gain maximum competitive advantage.
Increasingly, electronic point-of-sale
(EPOS) terminals are being used. To get
their full benefit, these need to provide
local management information and
also pass their data to distribution and
headquarters systems.
Large stores will need their own
accounts, customer records, personnel
files, stock management, messaging
facilities to headquarters and distribution
management, and all the other facilities
to run a business successfully.
Distribution Centers
Conventional stock control systems are
fine, as far as they go. However, these
days, distribution management systems
can be much more comprehensive. They
are providing facilities such as the most
economic routes for delivery trucks to
follow from branch to branch, or regu-
lating deliveries into the warehouses
from various suppliers, which also
implies computer links to suppliers.
The routine functions such as payroll
and accounting must continue, but your
information strategy will demand much ;
more. The central computer files need &
to become much more accessible so that
information can be used in day-to-day
decision making, including consumer
targeting, buying, merchandising, store
location planning and property portfolio
management. Direct links to suppliers
using Electronic Data Information (ED!)
technology can also speed up the flow of
goods to your stores while helping to
cut inventories.
The foundation of an integrated retail
strategy is data communications. You
need the ability to move your informa-
tion, quickly and reliably, from where it
is generated to where it is used. Digital
has been doing just that for over
thirty years.
Digital’s Special Technology Gives
You 2 Special Advantage
Digital's technology offers particular
advantages to retailers, Our technology
was designed from the start to be
especially good at communications.
Which means that our computers are
good at “talking” both to each other
and to systems from other suppliers,
binding them together into one system.
In fact we've installed far more of these
computer networks than any other
company in the world
Our VAX range of computers starts at
personal desktop systems, and goes
right up to large mainframe equivalents.
Yet exactly the same programs can run
on any VAX system, large or small. So
you could, for example, use MicroVAXes
as in-store controllers for EPOS systems;
a mid-range VAX to control automated
warehouse systems; and a large VAX at
headquarters connecting to any existing
mainframe computer. Should business
outgrow any of these systems, no prob-
lem, just add another VAX and ‘‘cluster”
it to the original system. The result, two
computers performing as one, plus consid-
erable people, cash and time savings.
In-store Computing
You will find Digital’s in-store comput-
ing technology in toy stores, discount
stores, furniture shops, department
stores and supermarkets, acting as the
communications gateway, doing direct
store delivery, staff scheduling, and a
variety of other jobs. Digital systems
have been linked to EPOS terminals
from most major suppliers. In fact we
have yet to find an EPOS device we
cannot link to!
Distribution Systems
Digital systems are running everything
from small local depots to the most
complex, fully automated warehouses.
Many customers have chosen one of the
numerous software packages that have
been developed for Digital, others have
written tailor-made solutions, while still
others have combined both by enhancing
an existing software solution to match
their own particular needs.
Digital-based business administration
and financial control systems are
installed in retail companies worldwide.
In addition to these general business
applications there are specialized
strategic solutions for retailers. These
include: consumer targeting, based on
the national census and other demo-
graphic data; systems for merchandise
modeling; and advanced systems for
store layout using computer aided design
(CAD) techniques. Thanks to Digital’s
communications skills all these systems
can be interlinked to exchange informa-
tion in ways that make them appear to
you as one single, integrated system,
How Digital Turns Your Strategy
a Competitive Edge Technology
Digital computers span the range
from small in-store MicroVAXes, mid-
range VAXes for distribution, to large _
VAXclusters for mainframe applications.
Yet, they all work the same way, so you
can choose the right size of computer
for todays application, confident that
as your business grows larger, VAXKes
can be added without costly or time
consuming conversion.
When you choose Digital, you get not
just our expertise, but also that of many
independent systems and software
houses. Because of the VAX’s versatility
and technical excellence, many of these
software houses have chosen both to
develop and write their programs on oe
VAX systems. The rare blend of in-depth rn
knowledge of retailing, plus our special-
ization in computer communications,
is an unbeatable combination.
Our own people can provide you 4
with guidance on both strategy and
applications. Their detailed knowledge
on the various application packages will ==» i} tee
help you get the best possiblesysem == titié«dL'dS CS
solution for your company. ——
When you buy from Digital, you’re _
backed by one of the largest servi
support organizations in the world.
Find Out What Digital has
in Store for You.
For more information about Digital’s
full range of VAX family computers and
other ways Digital can make your
information strategy more productive,
call your Digital representative today.
United States
Digital Equipment Corporation
24 Executive Park, Suite 100
Irvine, California 92714-6726
Telephone: (714) 261-4300
Digital Equipment Corporation
2525 Augustine Drive
Santa Clara, California 95054-3097
Telephone: (408) 727-0200
Digital Equipment Corporation
5775 Peachtree Dunwoody Road,
Suite 300-F
Atlanta, Georgia 30342-1583
Telephone: (404) 252-2600
Digital Equipment Corporation
North Atrium Center, Building 1
1155 West Dundee Road
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004-1421
Telephone: (312) 394-6000
Digital Equipment Corporation
Metro Executive Terrace
8400 Corporate Drive
Landover, Maryland 20785-2201
Telephone: (301) 731-3000
Digital Equipment Corporation
5 Burlington Woods Drive
Burlington, Massachusetts 01803-4539
Telephone: (617) 229-6000
Digital Equipment Corporation
2 Penn Plaza 9th Floor South
New York, New York 10121
Telephone: (212) 856-2000
Digital Equipment Corporation
34119 West Twelve Mile Road
Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018-2961
Telephone: (313) 553-5600
Digital Equipment Corporation
4851 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1000
Dallas, Texas 75244
Telephone: (214) 702-4300
General International Area
Digital Equipment Corporation
(Australia) Pty. Limited (SNO)
PO. Box 384
Chatswood, NSW 2067
Telephone: (61)-(2)-4125252
Digital Equipment of Canada Ltd. (TRC)
505 University Avenue
Suite 1100
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 2H2
Telephone: (416) 597-3100
Digital Equipment Hong Kong Ltd.
19-21 Fleet House
38 Gloucester Road
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852)-(5)-8614200
Nihon Digital Equipment Corporation
Sunshine 60, P.O. Box 1135
1-1 Higashi Ikebukuro 3-chome
Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Japan 170
Telephone: (81)-(3)-9897111
Digital Equipment Corporation
General International District (FLA)
2101 West Commercial Boulevard,
Suite 3000
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309-3068
Telephone: (305) 497-2300
Digital Equipment Corporation
12 Avenue des Morgines
Case Postal 176
CH1213 Petit-Lancy 1 Geneva
Telephone: (41)-(22)-969191
Service Industries DCC
Digital Equipment Co. Ltd.
McColl Building
64-66 Wigmore Street
London W1H 9DJ
Telephone: (01) 935-7791
Digital believes the information in this
publication is accurate as of its publication date.
Such information is subject to change without
notice. Digital is nor responsible for any
inadvertent errors.
The following are trademarks of Digital
Equipment Corporation: the Digital logo,
MicroVAX, VAX.