- שנה: 1992
- מו"ל: דיגיטל ישראל
- פורמט: חוברת
- נמסר ע"י: ענת כרמי
- תגיות:
OCR (הסבר)
An Open Window to the World of VAX/VMS Application
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| a VAX/VMS Middleware
s to User Oriented Solution
~) THE application generator
GNS-Plan-Project and Planing System
Task/ Activity | Tasks Activity,
Repos | TSK
Cluns R Histogram | Analysis
Analysts Tabics
Resources Resources
The Success Key for
Your Project - Genius
Project Planing System
Genius Application Generator
Main Manu
Data Base
data Entry Unhiues Menu
oy & Re Mailboxes
Cuhnes Menu Design
Encode Dex n Security
Help files
Error Messages
The Designer
Friendly Generator
Genius is a flexible Applications Generator especially designed for the
community of VAX/VMS users. Implementing the concepts of relational database
concepts, Genius enables you to build simple to complex VAX/VMS applications
fully integrated with the system, software and applications environment (VAX/RMS,
VAX CDD/Plus, VAX Rdb/VMS, ALL-IN-1, WPS-PLUS and other third party
Genius considerably shortens the application development cycle. Building and
implementing complex systems module by module, Genius enables the user to
”grow with the system”. Moreover, it's variety and flexibility of tools gives you the
ability to tailor the solution to your needs faster, easier and more cost effectively.
Genius provides:
User friendly interface
System environment transparent to the user
PC flexibility on any terminal/workstation
Cost effective application development
Improved productivity
Wide range of solutions
Easy learning and implementation
Why Genius?
Middleware for the Manager
User friendly applications - Your design team will appreciate its fluidity, and your
users/customers will admire its elegance.
Cost effectiveness - By cutting the workload, Genius has the highest cost/
performance ratio as compared to similar products in the market
Tailored to your needs - Genius applications and solutions enable you to continue
to manage your business your way, but more effectively.
Increased efficiency - The automatic documentation generated by Genius
elimininates one of the major problems in the systems development.
Friendly Software for the Designer
Language transparent - Genius enables experienced developers to easily build
complex, sophisticated, user friendly solutions. The novice developer, on the
other hand, can build an entire application without even knowing there is a
language behind the scenes.
Easy to learn - Genius provides fully documented on line directions and help files
that lead the designer through each step of the development process.
Easy to use - Genius middleware supports the development team with an easy to
use tool and interface to VAX/VMS systems and applications.
Genius creates RMS files that can be read by any program running under VMS.
Genius applications can access and update any Rdb/VMS database.
Highly functional - Built-in functions within Genius enable the developer to easily
create sophisticated Data Entry and Query Screens with a functionality difficult to
achieve with any other tool or language.
Genius Human Resources System ] Powerful Application Environment
| IC I | For the user, Genius provides:
Employment] [Development] [Absence ] [Candidates | [ Tables H ,
ee | Gee SSS oe » An easy to learn human interface and flexible screen layout.
ersonal Skills bsence Slots Jobs Gy
Feral | penseontl|eeinen| liaase una] | svi » Top-down menus or random access method.
job Ds Perfe c oy . .
a al| (increas rested » Different types of windows:
| — J = I : I — Form window - Traditional window composed of data fields
esos elormien Quer eee — List window - List of records window
— Text window - Unlimited free text lines
— LOV window - List Of Values table for efficiency and accuracy
— Help window - For online help.
= "Query by Example” with sort keys and retrieval range flexibility
On-line report or hardcopy of any query or report
» Use of on-line report as data entry tool
A "spreadsheet” for decision support.
If Human Resources
is Important - We
Must Manage It
A Storehouse of Applications
Genius offers a wide range of applications covering a variety of market segments,
types of organizations and organizational activities. All applications may be
customized to meet the customer's business needs, providing immediate added
value to managers and their subordinates.
Project Management
s Project Resource Management
» Project Planning Tool (PERT/GANT)
» Call handling and Problem Tracking System
s Management Follow Up System
Engineering and Manufacturing
» Configuration Control
= Bill of Material
= Process Control
= CD Archiver Management System
» Human Resources System
» Purchasing and Accounts Payable System
Stock Management and Inventory Control
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Purchasing Genius
Attractively priced to provide you cost effective solutions, Genius is available in
two purchasing options:
= Generator license
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: =» Runtime license
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Consult with your Digital Sales Representative on which option is best to your
Call Handling System needs.
‘The window that
keeps your customer Company Profile
satisfied... Established in 1978, Genius11 is a highly reputed Israeli Software house.
Genius11’s professional staff provides a wide range of development and software
support services in such areas as planning, design, development, customization,
implementation and maintenance of your applications. Genius11 has wide customer
base with installations throughout Israel and Europe. Genius11 customers include
Digital Equipment Ltd. (European HQ, Israel Subsidiary and Jerusalem VLSI
Center), Tadiran Communication Division, Israel Electric Company, Israel Defense
Forces, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Industry and
Commerce and others.
Genius11 Systems Ltd.
28 Hida St., Bnei Brak 51371, Israel
Telephone: 03-5795230, Fax: 03-5798715
and ALL-IN-1 are trade-marks of Digital Equipment
Corporation, USA.
Genius is a product of Genius11 Systems, Israel.
Genius11 Ltd. believes that the infomation in this
publication is accurate as of its publication date;
such information is subject to change without