- שנה: 1987
- מו"ל: Digital Equipment Corporation
- פורמט: חוברת
- נמסר ע"י: ענת כרמי
- תגיות:
OCR (הסבר)
ood and Beverage — An Industry
Challenged by Change
Digital has a lot to offer the food and bev-
erage industry. And we’re working with
management teams from leading food and
beverage companies worldwide to help them solve one of
their most pressing problems — keeping pace with con-
stant change and intense competition.
Through this work, we’ve seen that your success depends
on your ability to anticipate business trends, and respond
effectively to ever shorter windows of opportunity. We've
learned that to win market share and improve profitability
you must manage change effectively. And we’ve learned
how to apply our technology to help you succeed —
whether your products are agricultural commodities or
consumer packaged goods.
Change starts with the consumer. Today, consumers’ needs
are more diverse and are changing more rapidly than ever
before. And consumers are looking for new and different
products that meet their individual needs.
The retail trade — your gateway to consumers — is chang-
ing, too. Retailers have used the power of UPC scanning to
become an important new force in marketing decision
making. And many of your peers feel challenged to form
information partnerships with the trade — partnerships
that help them maintain a strong role in determining how
trade promotion dollars are spent.
Finally, manufacturing itself is changing. The advent of
regionalized marketing has helped fuel product prolifera-
tion and intense competition for limited shelf space.
Manufacturing, logistics, and marketing are increasingly
Your company needs effective strategies for dealing with
constant, rapid change in an intensely competitive indus-
try, It needs the ability to mobilize diverse, widely dis-
persed resources in response to fast-changing markets.
Having a competitive edge in this ability can spell the
difference between business success and failure. And work-
ing with Digital gives you the flexible systems you need to
develop and maintain this edge.
Food and beverage corpora-
tions have to respond to con-
Stant change within every link
of the product supply chain.
@@ The notion that man-
agers just need more data
is a myth. We are flooded
with data. The real issue
today is discovering how
to use information sys-
tems to get the right data
and use it to strategic
advantage. @®@
Larry Meador
Decision Support Technologies
group your resources
Proven Strategy for Capitalizing
on Change
It’s a fundamental business principle: there
is opportunity in change. The only prob-
lem is, it’s sometimes difficult to identify
and respond to change before opportunities pass.
This is particularly true for managers in large corporations
that serve dynamic markets. Your company most likely
maintains large, widely dispersed organizations for market-
ing, manufacturing, distributing, selling, and developing
products. All of these diverse functions have to work
together effectively for your corporation to be able to
respond in time to fast-breaking market opportunities.
In the companies we work with, computer systems already
play an important role in improving the performance of
individual business operations. And Digital offers a wide
range of computer solutions that meet the needs of virtu-
ally all food and beverage industry functions.
But Digital’s solutions are different from those of other
vendors in one very important way. They’re built to operate
in networked systems. Systems that speed the transfer of
uu eT
information among business functions. Systems that make
sure the right information is available to the right person.
Systems that play a strategic role in improving overall orga-
nizational performance for a competitive edge.
For example, you can electronically couple marketing to
sales, major distributors, or retailers for better marketing
decision information. You can couple logistics to manufac-
turing for improved production management. Or you can
integrate all business functions to respond auickly to new
Over the years, Digital has invested billions of dollars to
develop a style of computing that is uniquely suited to
networked information systems. Based on flexible,
enterprise-wide networks, a single family of compatible
computing systems, and a comprehensive portfolio of soft-
ware solutions, this style gives you the ability to integrate
software applications serving virtually all business depart-
ments into Digital’s industry-leading information environ-
ment, ALL-IN-1.
And we can provide you with just the support you need to
get the job done through our software services, field serv-
ices, and educational services organizations. We can help
you choose the right computing solution for your needs,
get it up and running, manage its performance, and plan
for future system needs.
When you have the capability to respond to change better
than your competition, you welcome the challenge of fast-
changing markets. Digital can help you make change one of
your greatest allies.
Information systems provide
windows to all links of the
food and beverage supply
chain — from raw materials
suppliers to consumers.
Digital Solutions
Helping Corporations Keep Pace
in a Fast-Moving World
Food and beverage corporations cannot
afford to sit still. They operate in a world
of accelerating change — driven by
evolving markets, aggressive competi-
tion, and even government regulation.
They have to keep pace to survive.
To help your company keep pace, Digital
offers a wide range of computing solu-
tions for getting maximum performance
from every dollar invested in marketing,
manufacturing, logistics, sales, engineer-
ing, research, and administration. Plus
the ability to integrate your entire corpo-
ration for coordinated responses to fast-
breaking market opportunities.
omar nammes cies
market information
orders and market information
distribution data
manufacturing information
@@ Today’s marketing and
sales managers are over-
loaded with data. We
used to advise clients that
the companies who own
the data own the busi-
ness. Today, we advise
that the companies that
best use the data will gain
a significant competitive
advantage. @®
Jeff Hil
Vice President
Glendinning Associates
etter Information,
Faster Decisions
Typically, the major concern of marketing
managers is to achieve the right balance
between maximum market share and
product profitability. This balance is a key factor in bring-
ing anew product to market or keeping a strong product on
top in its category.
Marketing managers have to make sure their companies get
good performance from every dollar spent on their prod-
ucts. They have to make effective investments in advertis-
ing and promotion. They have to consider the impact of
their decisions on manufacturing and logistics costs. And
they must achieve their goals despite fast-changing mar-
kets, product proliferation, the changing role of retailers,
and intense competition.
In our work with companies in your industry, we’re focus-
ing on helping marketing managers track product perfor-
mance in the marketplace. We’re helping them get fast
feedback on how markets respond to new products and
strategies. And determine how well their promotional
— ———
programs are working. Because, when all is said and done,
they have to make decisions affecting millions of dollars of
revenues and profits in ever shorter timeframes. With
whatever information they can get their hands on.
The Digital Difference Digital’s strengths in networked
information systems, including multivendor communica-
tion, open new opportunities for collecting information.
With Digital systems, your marketing managers can elec-
tronically collect information from sales, distribution,
manufacturing, market-tracking information services, and
the retail trade. From virtually any major electronic
Furthermore, we’re working with leading third-party solu-
tion providers to jointly deliver the industry’s best solu-
tions for analyzing market data, and ensure that these
solutions are completely integrated with Digital’s net-
worked information systems. Our goal is to allow market-
ing managers to collect, consolidate, and analyze diverse
information without the hassle of moving between systems
or software applications.
Finally, Digital’s industry-leading office information sys-
tems give marketing managers enhanced capabilities to act
on their decisions quickly. To communicate with people
throughout their companies easily, reliably, and
More than most systems, marketing information systems
have to be tailored to the needs of the corporation. They
focus on very specific data, data sources, and information
needs. Digital not only provides complete solutions for
marketing organizations, but also provides the support
services required for marketing organizations to plan,
implement, and manage systems customized to meet their
specific needs.
Electronic point-of-sale termi-
nals and UPC coding have
helped ignite a market data
explosion. This technology
produces billions of market
data points each week.
@6@ Production technol-
ogy has become a very
high priority for food and
beverage companies.
The focus is now on net-
working plants into
corporation-wide manu-
facturing information
systems. Few vendors
appear capable of match-
ing Digital’s breadth and
depth in this arena.@®
M. Mehdi Alister
The Technology Group Incorporated
formerly Technomic
mproved Product Quality
at Lower Cost
The food and beverage industry is a manufacturing
industry and, typically, cost of goods consumes
forty to sixty percent of revenues. In a nutshell, the
challenge for manufacturing is to maintain the lowest possi-
ble costs consistent with high product quality and suffic-
ient flexibility to accommodate change.
Manufacturing managers emphasize different goals,
depending on the product manufactured. For manufactur-
ers of processed agricultural products, the goal is to be a
low cost producer of a high quality, but basic, product.
Conversely, manufacturers of branded products try to con-
tain costs, but strive to deliver unique product characteris-
tics. And they have to stay much more flexible to
accommodate a more complex, dynamic mix of products.
> 5 2 i
We’ ve worked with manufacturing teams from a wide
variety of food and beverage companies to help them
achieve these goals. To give them better overall control over
manufacturing processes, and help them solve specific
For example, we’re helping manufacturers respond to
increasing demands for product quality by developing
quality control systems for both incoming materials and
outgoing products. Often, these systems link quality data
with distribution data to give the manufacturer improved
capability to control products already in distribution.
The Digital Difference Digital’s networked information
systems, with their capability to integrate diverse com-
puting systems and software, are uniquely suited to the
needs of manufacturing. And they have helped propel
Digital into a leadership position in computer-integrated
manufacturing (CIM) technology.
Simply stated, CIM improves the entire manufacturing
enterprise by integrating the information flow within and
between all its functions. This means that production is
effectively coordinated with materials management, and
that all functions that affect the factory floor — from sales
and marketing to engineering and research — are tightly
Furthermore, Digital is strong in providing industry-
leading solutions. We have over fifty third-party solution
providers worldwide who supply the best application soft-
ware and hardware available for manufacturing and engi-
neering. And a powerful Software Services organization
that can create custom software to meet specific or unusual
Finally, we have a wide variety of products for the factory
floor. We make specialized, ruggedized processors for the
plant floor, factory data collection equipment, low-cost
industrial local area networks, and board-level computers
that are often used in factory automation equipment. And
our Computer Special Systems organization can produce
custom computing solutions when specific or unusual sys-
tem hardware is needed.
Manufacturers of processed
agricultural products typically
have to keep production at
more than 90% of capacity to
maintain profitability.
@@ [nventory manage-
ment is a process that
integrates the entire sup-
ply chain from source to
retail shelf. Today, it
requires dedicated,
instantaneous informa-
tion, which can only be
provided by computer-
supported data gathering
throughout the supply
chain. @®@
Ron Seger
Vice President
A.T. Kearney
uperior Customer Service at
Less Cost
Logistics connects the links of the supply
chain. It gets raw material into the produc-
tion process, and finished goods from man-
ufacturing into distribution. It involves production sched-
uling, warehouse and inventory management, order pro-
cessing, transportation, and purchasing, among other
In the food and beverage industry, logistics — along with
marketing and manufacturing — is a key contributor to
achieving critical corporate success factors. Especially
customer service and profitability.
Digital is helping logistics managers improve service levels
while reducing inventories and general logistical costs.
We're helping them improve the accuracy and timing of
deliveries, and reduce the incidence of order cuts and
What's more, we're helping them contend with new, more
specific challenges. Such as the opportunities inherent in
transportation deregulation. Greater demands from the
trade for damage-free or fresh products. And increased
product change and complexity.
The Digital Difference If your corporation is typical, your
Ogistics managers manage operations on a national scale.
They serve multiple manufacturing plants, and their distri-
bution facilities are geographically dispersed. So any inte-
station strategy for logistics focuses the spotlight directly
on networking capabilities.
Digital’s networks provide exceptional capabilities for
Meeting these rigorous requirements. We lead our industry
in our ability to network computers within a facility or
across the world. Digital, with more than one million net-
largest supplier of computer networks.
poe developing networks dedicated to logistics, your
__ Pany can extend its networks to provide direct connec-
‘aoe a other corporate functions, such as manufactur-
ae sae, sales, and administration. Or even provide
Nections to material suppliers and customers.
work users at more than 8,000 customer sites, is the world’s
Strong multivendor communications capability puts even
IBM mainframe databases within reach.
Finally, Digital supports logistics information systems with
industry-leading software and hardware solutions, includ-
ing those from leading independent vendors.
For logistics, Digital’s information systems deliver
improved performance at lower cost. Plus greater flexibility
to contend with change and complexity.
Sophisticated information
management systems help
manufacturers minimize logis-
ties cost when faced with a
complex mix of products,
source points, and distribu-
tion centers.
or the Entire Enterprise —
Achieving a Competitive Edge
Building networked information systems
benefits each of the major functions of
the food and beverage enterprise. Not just
marketing, manufacturing, and logistics, but sales,
research, engineering, and administration as well.
And with Digital’s flexible system architecture and rich
portfolio of software solutions, you can start anywhere —
solve any problem — knowing that your solution will fit
into the larger concept of an enterprise-wide information
But as your networked systems grow — and connect with
one another — you'll be achieving much more than
improvement in the performance of any one function.
You’ll be developing overall organizational performance —
a competitive edge — by allowing diverse business func-
tions to operate as one.
Digital Can Deliver What You Need = We want your business.
And we’ve made the investments required to win it. We
have a marketing organization fully dedicated to the food
and beverage industry, supported by hundreds of sales and
sales support staff who specialize in food and beverage
industry solutions.
We’ve created an Application Center for Technology (ACT)
in Chicago that is dedicated to food and beverage technol-
ogy. And we’re working with third-party solution providers
to ensure that leading food and beverage industry solutions
are fully integrated with our networked information
We have the support services needed to back up our tech-
nology, too. Software Services. Field Services. Educational
Services. Computer Special Systems. All of these organiza-
tions can help you get over the hurdles involved in plan-
ning, implementing, managing, and using your computing
systems effectively.
And finally, we have the capability to deliver solutions over
the long haul. We’re a Fortune 50 corporation, and our
business is totally dedicated to networkable computing
solutions. We are the recognized leader in enterprise-wide
networking, office information systems, computer-
integrated manufacturing, and more. And we have the
breadth of software solutions needed in all food and bever-
age business functions.
So take a major step toward developing new capabilities for
keeping pace with changing tastes. Call your local Digital
sales representative.
Changing retail trade
Government regulation
Competitive challenges
Fast-changing market needs
Integrating enterprise-wide
Digital believes the i
publication is accurat
date: information is si
without notice. Digit
for any inadvertent €
The Digital logo, AL
trademarks of Digital
Promted in U.S A. EA30648-82/87 12 65 39.0 MCG Copyright 1987 Digital Equipment Corporation All righis reserved