- שנה: 1991
- מו"ל: Digital Equipment Corporation
- פורמט: חוברת
- נמסר ע"י: ענת כרמי
- תגיות:
OCR (הסבר)
Desktop Networks
TO: Workgroup Managers
MIS Specialists in PC Integration
RE: The Workgroup Challenge
You face the most fundamental networking require-
ment — the need to link PCs, workstations, and
terminals into the enterprise network.
Across the board, the work your group does is growing
larger and more complex. People need to share
information within your group and with others in
groups across the organization. This has to happen
regardless of the devices on their desktops.
At Digital, we realize that you need to do more than just
share files and printers across one or more local area
networks (LANS). It’s quite possible you're about to
outgrow your current PC network capabilities. We are
committed to providing the PC network that will go as
far as you need to take it.
We also have the most complete offerings for the
desktop, including a family of personal computers, a
full range of workstation products, industry-leading
terminals and network printers, and all the software to
make it work. In addition, we offer solutions for
physical wiring with our modular hub products, and a
full suite of network interface cards and routers.
Others can provide the pieces, but only Digital has the
complete solution from desktop systems to physical
connections to network operating systems to network
management. We can service third-party hardware,
software, and networks in addition to Digital products.
This package gives you easy access to straight answers
about our solutions for desktop networks. As you
investigate your options here and elsewhere, you'll
see what we mean when we say Digital is the
Open Advantage.
Networks Marketing
Digital Equipment Corporation
Your focus is on increasing the productivity and
effectiveness of a growing professional staff.
You want to consolidate and get the most from
your current resources. You want to grow and add
capabilities and resources. Your workgroup teams
have to communicate and collaborate in ways that
are new to them.
But some are using PCs, while others have Macintosh
systems, technical workstations, and even terminals,
and each is using a different application. Some may
be on Ethernet and others on Token Ring networks.
You need to tie all these together so they can share
files, applications, and electronic mail. As the number
of users grows, the additional PCs and applications
have to be integrated. And you need to access data
elsewhere in the organization.
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Token Ring LocalTalk
PATHWORKS — Choice, Choice and More ehoicel
The PATHWORKS corporate network Operating system
is Digital’s answer to open multivendor networks for
PCs. PATHWORKS is a family of PC networking
products that have been designed for both current and
future technologies. Digital has 17 years of networking
experience, and with the PATHWORKS network
operating system we have extended that experience to
the desktop.
The PATHWORKS family of open PC networking
software offers you a choice of the leading PC network-
ing technologies, clients, and servers. It supports
scalable servers and networks that can grow with your
business needs. And it provides the network infrastruc-
ture for client/server computing — including file and
print services, electronic mail, access to applications, as
well as network management utilities.
PATHWORKS Client/Server Computing
PATHWORKS is based on client/server computing,
which lets you take advantage of the computing power
on the desk and use your resources optimally. With
PATHWORKS client/server computing, applications,
and processes are distributed, often transparently,
across the network — even over wide areas.
Most importantly, PATHWORKS integrates multiple
vendors’ hardware and software, at the desktop and
among the servers and networks, too.
Client Choices
PATHWORKS includes client software for all the
popular PC desktops — Microsoft Windows,
DOS, OS/2, and Macintosh. In addition, PATHWORKS
allows sharing of information and printers with UNIX
and VMS workstations as well as with terminals.
Server Choices
PATHWORKS server software is available for multiple
platforms — OS/2, ULTRIX, and VMS — so PC users can
access applications, files, data, printers, and other
resources on local and remote systems. With
PATHWORKS, PC users can access multiple servers
Network Choices
PATHWORKS products operate across all major
networks including Ethernet, Token Ring, and
LocalTalk. They are, in fact, an excellent means of
integrating users on Ethernet and Token Ring.
For example, a PC on Token Ring can access a database
server on Ethernet. A PC on Ethernet can concurrently
access a NetWare server on Token Ring and multiple
PATHWORKS servers on Ethernet. This gives you
considerable flexibility for your wiring topologies. In
addition, PATHWORKS supports all major networking
transports for local and wide area networks — TCP/IP,
DECnet, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, AppleTalk, and X.25.
Network Operating System (NOS) Choices
PATHWORKS actually incorporates different NOS
technologies for network services such as file and
printer sharing. PATHWORKS includes the file and print
services of LAN Manager, NetWare, and AppleShare.
Integration with Other LANs
PATHWORKS interoperates with other PC LANs. It
works with NetWare from Novell, with Microsoft LAN
Manager and with AppleShare, so PC users can access
resources on PATHWORKS and other vendors’ net-
works. PATHWORKS support of NetBEUI lets OS/2 PC
users connect to an IBM LAN server as well as to
PATHWORKS servers. And choosing PATHWORKS on
an ULTRIX server makes it easy for PC users to work
with UNIX users, to access UNIX applications, and to
share files and printers with NFS users.
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Digital Value-Added Applications
PATHWORKS supports Network Application Support
(NAS) services such as SQL services, X.400 enterprise
messaging, distributed transaction processing, and
document conversion. Client/server applications that
are built on these support services include such Digital
products as DECquery and RdbAccess database prod-
ucts, ALLIN-1 MAIL, DECwrite, and PATHWORKS Links
document processing applications, and TeamLinks
office automation software.
This range of client, network, and server choices
based on multiple, leading technologies maximizes
your resources and preserves your current invest-
ment. It allows you to match the technology you
choose to the task you have to accomplish and to
share information and resources across different
With PATHWORKS and Digital’s network management
products you can manage, administer, and control all
your resources remotely from a single location. You
get better use of the products you have already
purchased and more efficient network performance.
All of which equates to lower operating costs.
PATHWORKS also has clear advantages for the entire
enterprise because it allows you to use your installed
multivendor systems and to integrate existing data
sources into the network. Because PATHWORKS is
scalable and flexible, you can focus on filling your
immediate needs while allowing room for future
growth without concern for obsolescence. B
One of the truisms about networks is that they
change. You have new users coming on. You’re
moving groups from one location to another. You
need to set up, modify, and administer your network
as quickly and painlessly as possible.
[lWerkGroup Family of Networking Products|
To physically connect to the network, Digital offers a
family of hub products that are modular, flexible, and
easy to install and use. Consisting of a hub and several
networking modules, the WorkGroup Family of
Networking Products protects network investments and
provides a clear growth path as your needs expand and
your requirements change.
The DEChub 90 backplane provides a base of network
operations for easy configuration and maintenance of
Ethernet networks. This compact hub, ideal for wiring-
closets or office environments, provides power,
connections, and easy mounting for eight plug-compat-
ible modules.
Digital's WorkGroup Family modules can be used
interchangeably as standalone units and in the DEChub
90. Use the DECrepeater 90C, a six-port 10Base
2-compliant repeater, or the eight-port 10Base
T-compliant DECrepeater 90T to connect your PCs and
workstations. Both repeaters automatically detect and
disconnect faulty connections. The DECbridge
90 network bridge provides high-performance protocol
and address filtering to isolate and manage workgroup
traffic. For high-speed connections to any network
service that supports TCP/IP, choose the DECserver
OTL Telnet/LAT terminal server. The DECserver 90L+
terminal server offers multisession LAT-only services and
ROM-based software that eliminates the need to
downline-load software from a host, And whether you
have a PC LAN or an enterprise network, you'll be able
to remotely manage the DEChub 90 and more, using
your choice of graphical network management stations.
With Digital’s WorkGroup Family of Networking
Ipraducte you can begin simply with a start-up LAN.
As your network grows, you add modules without
disrupting your network, thus protecting your
investment and making your network more respon-
sive to the changing needs of the organization. B
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Digital’s PCs
Digital’s industry-standard PC products fall into four
series: portable PCs, desktop PCs, deskside PCs, and
= A workstation-class PCs.
Individuals in your workgroups need particular types
of systems for the work they do. Some need PCs; j The portable series provides the latest high-perfor-
mance technology in compact, light packages that can
others need workstation power; and still others need 4
travel anywhere yet keep you in touch with your office.
terminals (including windowing terminals). All of ¥
The versatile desktop series provides a full range of 386
these users require access to the resources of the
and 486 systems — one that’s just right for every need.
workgroup and the department.
Deskside computers are highly expandable systems,
well suited to operating like a PC and PC LAN server
And our optimized workstation-class series provides a
highly integrated architecture that enables Digital to
deliver unsurpassed CPU and graphics performance in a
PC package. This is the ultimate network client for
client-server computing.
Furthermore, Digital offers a full range of networking
hardware to link your PCs into your Ethernet or Token
Ring network. The EtherWORKS family — network
interface cards and routers — provides high-perfor-
mance solutions for plugging your PCs into Ethernet
networks. And the ProNET family of high-performance
Token Ring network interface cards and the family of
bridging router products, combined with PATHWORKS,
offers a complete integration solution for Ethernet,
Token Ring, and FDDI networks.
i, Digital Workstations
Digital offers a range of workstation solutions for both
VMS and UNIX environments.
DECserver Family and Digital Terminals
Digital’s family of high-performance terminals improves
user productivity, enhances system performance, and
promotes communications and network performance.
Digital offers a full range of terminals from X-terminals
Qwith superior graphics capabilities) to imaging
terminals, to text and graphics terminals.
Likewise, Digital has a full line of network printers and
print servers to meet any need. Many of these printers
are ideal for various network printing applications —
from laser printers, to ink jet, to thermal, or just
dot matrix.
Digital can be your single source for all the industry-
leading desktop products you need — from high-
powered workstations, to PCs for every use, to
terminals and terminal servers. &
No other company can provide the full solution as
Digital can — from the PATHWORKS family of PC
networking software, to the
family of PCs, workstations, and
terminals, to the low-cost
connections and flexible
configurations offered by
Digital's WorkGroup Family of
Networking Products.
Corporate Networks
PATHWORKS integration and
connectivity allow you to
maximize the use of expensive
and limited resources. With
workgroups are more effective 1 million PCs.
and productive because they
can share applications, data,
electronic mail, and physical
resources seamlessly across the entire network. As your
needs change, your network will have the flexibility to
incorporate new applications and the systems of
your choice.
Operating System is
in use on more than
In today’s environment a successful workgroup must
have a fully integrated network infrastructure that
supports its business strategies. Digital offers full
worldwide network integration services to help you
plan, design, implement, and manage your network
no matter who manufactured the pieces. That's
because Digital’s strategy is based on an open environ-
ment — Open Technology, Open Services, and Open
Business Practices.
All of these products and services combine to make up
Digital’s Open Network Advantage — available to you
anytime, any place, for any solution . . . from smaller
Desktop Networks . . . to Campus Networks . . . to
Enterprisewide Integration.
Digital .. . The Open Advantage
Digital believes the information in this publication is acc
as of its publication date; such information is subject to
change without notice. Digital is not responsible for any
inadvertent errors.
The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corp
DECnet, ALL-IN-1, DECwrite, DECserver, DECagent,
DECconnect, DECNIS, eXcursion, MOBILIZER, DEC,
VAX, DECconcentrator, DECmcc,VAXcluster, LAT.
OS/2, IBM, PROFS, and SNADS are registered trademarks
International Business Machines Corporation. Macintosl
LocalTalk, AppleTalk, and AppleShare are registered tra
marks of Apple Computer, Inc. UNIX is a registered trad
of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Microsoft is a registerc
trademark of Microsoft Corporation. NetWare and Novel
registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. NFS is a registered
trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ProNET is a registe
trademark of Proteon, Inc. AT&T is a registered tradema
American Telephone & Telegraph Company. MCL is a reg
tered trademark of MCI Communications Corporation.