- שנה: 1990
- מו"ל: Digital Equipment Corporation
- פורמט: חוברת
- נמסר ע"י: ענת כרמי
- תגיות:
OCR (הסבר)
res. :
Cannes, September 3rd to 7th, 1990
Call for Papers
‘Applications for a
New Decade’
Today’s fast changing business
environment calls for computer
applications that are flexible
enough to meet the challenges of
tomorrow. The needs for open-
ness and integration have already
led to standards for communica-
tions, data and human interfaces.
As the price of computing power
keeps falling, the scope and com-
plexity of applications is increas-
ing. To keep up with these de-
mands, applications development
in the 1990s will depend on the
evolution of new techniques,
tools and processes. These trends
will be felt by everyone - from
developers to users. Find out what
they mean for you at the 1990
DECUS Europe Symposium.
A Unique
Opportunity to Present your Ideas
and Experience...
The 1990 DECUS Europe Symposium will be held in Cannes, France, from
Monday September 3rd to Friday September 7th. A series of full day technical
training seminars will be held on Monday, to be followed by an intense four
day session program.
User contributions are the key to a successful Symposium
The 1990 DECUS Europe Symposium offers you a unique opportunity to pre-
sent your ideas, experience and knowledge to a truly international gathering of
Digital computer users. Whether your contribution discusses a new tool or
process, a summary of your experience in a certain field, or the technical
features of your product, you will find an interested and attentive audience.
User contributions are a key element to the success of a DECUS Europe sym-
posium. User involvement has always been at the base of the DECUS Europe
organization. When founded over 28 years ago, its objective was to promote
the exchange of information concerning the use of Digital hardware and soft-
ware products, both within the user community and between the user commu-
nity and Digital. This objective has not changed.
Special Interest Groups provide a Forum for Information Interchange
As well as sessions and training seminars sponsored by the DECUS SIGs (Spe-
cial Interest Groups), the Symposium will include a more informal forum for
information interchange in the SIG club rooms. The club room is the place to
meet with members sharing your interests, and with members of Digital’s engi-
neering teams. Many SIGs will be organising club room activities such as tech-
nical discussions and software demos. Your contributions are welcome. Brief
descriptions of the areas covered by each SIG are given later in this booklet.
For more information on SIG activities, contact the SIG Chairmen directly.
To offer your contribution, please complete the ‘Offer of Contribution’ form
and return it to the DECUS Europe office in Geneva by February 26th, 1990.
Remember that your contribution will be evaluated entirely on the abstract
provided, so make certain that it does justice to your subject.
The 1990 DECUS Europe Symposium will be an important event covering
your information needs concerning a new generation of applications, products
and technologies. The Symposium Planning Committee is excited to organise
this event and share with you another dynamic and informative symposium.
ye ee //]
Friedrich Schlepuetz,
Chairman, DECUS Europe Symposium Planning Committee
Contribution Guidelines
Your submission may be on any aspect of the use of Digital computers. The
DECUS Europe Special Interest Groups (SIGs), have outlined the type of sub-
jects on which they would like to see contributions. Please read the SIG sec-
tions for further information.
Symposium Sessions
Papers can discuss general items or be of a more specific nature. Presentation
time can be 30, 45 or 60 minutes which should include about five minutes for
questions. Please indicate on the form the length of the session required. Pa-
pers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings.
Training Seminars
As in previous years, the day preceding the official start of the DECUS Europe
Symposium, Monday September 3rd, will be devoted to full day training semi-
nars. These give attendees a more in-depth view of a subject while letting
them benefit from the knowledge and experience of some of the leading ex-
perts in their fields.
We think that many of you have acquired much knowledge in a particular field
related to the use of Digital hardware and/or software. If you feel that you
have a subject to present, and that it would take more time than is available in
a session, then please offer a training seminar.
To submit your offer of contribution, please complete the form in the center of
this brochure. Please use a separate photocopy of the form for each submis-
sion. This year, for the first time, those of you with access to X.25 or X.400
mail may also submit your abstracts electronically. This will speed up process-
ing of your paper. However, you will still be required to submit a copy of the
Please also note the practical indications described on the next page.
In order to produce coherent titles in all our publications and information
media we kindly ask you to provide titles no longer than 32 characters, includ-
ing blank spaces. Should this be a problem, please present two titles, a short
and a long title, including the latter in the abstract.
In addition, please prepare an abstract, of no more than 200 words for each
submission, on the abstract form provided. The abstract will be published in
the Symposium programme and should contain:
= A short summary of the subject or activity you wish to present
® An indication of whether the activity is projected, in progress or completed
= The benefits of attending the presentation
= A short biography for training seminar instructors
Please provide your full professional address, including telephone, telex, and
fax number.
Please send your form(s) to DECUS Europe, 12 Avenue des Morgines, Case
Postale 176, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Switzerland, no later than February 26th
1990. During May you will be informed whether your submission has been
Please remember that the only information on which the Symposium Planning
Committee (SPC) will have to evaluate your contribution will be your abstract
and the information provided on the forms you send to DECUS Europe.
The DECUS Europe commercial guidelines prohibit vendor sales presenta-
tions. DECUS Europe stresses that the abstract describing your paper or train-
ing seminar should be technical in content and be free of advertising. The
commercial guidelines also prohibit personnel recruiting. Copies of the com-
mercial guidelines are available from the DECUS Europe office in Geneva.
You will be asked to sign an acceptance of the commercial guidelines, should
your submission be accepted.
DECUS Europe
Special Interest Group Activities
Cannes was the birthplace of our SIG, and we are very happy to return to this
excellent site for our third AI European event.
This will be the place to meet and share your experiences in Artificial Intelli-
gence/knowledge engineering.
We would like to suggest the following themes for the 1990 symposium:
mw Software engineering in the AI world (including development
methodologies, AI project management, fast prototyping techniques)
= Description of applications (operational or at an advanced stage of
development, including industrial and commercial applications)
= Tools descriptions and development environments
= AI interfaces with realtime processes
= Human-computer interfaces (man-machine intelligent communication)
= AI/DBMS interfaces
® Robotics and industrial vision systems
m= Neural networks (models, simulation and applications)
= Future trends in Artificial Intelligence (current research concerns and likely
This list is not exhaustive and we are willing to examine any proposition you ~
think might be of interest to other AI developers or users.
Guy Delafontaine, European AI SIG Chairman,
Tel: +41 21 693 47 66, Fax: +41 21 693 46 60
Graphics Working Group
The new Graphics Working Group invites you to present papers on various
topics including graphics systems standards, CAD/CAM, mapping, Graphical
Kernel System (GKS), GKS3D, Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graph-
ics System (PHIGS) and of course many others. Also of great interest will be
your experiences with the DECwindows architecture, which includes a com-
plete set of programming mechanisms that contro! windowing, graphics, the
user interface and data interchange.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Jorgen Bent Ipsen, European Graphics Working Group Chairman,
Tel: +45 44 68 22 55 ext. 2242, Fax: +45 42 97 25 51
Information Management SIG
The issues discussed by this SIG cover the following areas:
Fourth Generation Environments
Information Management
= Architectures of Integration
= Data Management (Databases)
mw ‘1992’ Standardisation, Effects
If any of these subjects are relevant to your work, the IM SIG would welcome
your contribution for the 1990 Symposium.
] hope to hear from many of you.
Andreas Verbay, European IM SIG Chairman
Tel: +41 31 590485
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Large Systems SIG
The SIG concentrates on the issues which arise in the management of large
systems and sites. This year we have some large machines to include in our
The LS SIG also looks at the enterprise wide implications of system manage-
ment when attempting to provide service to a large number of users, usually
with a large number of different applications.
The SIG would welcome user contributions in any of the following areas:
uw The management and system management of distributed systems
m Experiences of multi-vendor networking
= Managing installation and changeover of large production systems
m User management in a large user community
® Migration experiences (particularly from the other vendors)
= Management tools which have been developed in house
# Planning for Phase V DECnet/OSI in large networks
m Experiences with large databases on Digital equipment
= Capacity planning
= Data management
As well as looking to user papers, the SIG sessions in Cannes will be successful
only if you contribute to the lively discussion which our SIG has enjoyed in the
past. There is a tradition, in the Large Systems area of DECUS, of stimulating
discussion as well as thought provoking presentations!
Kris Emery, European LS SIG Chairman,
Tel: +44 56 993619 or +44 56 993619
fitems Se. SS eee
Manufacturing and Applied Technology Group
This group covers such diverse topics as CIM, MAP, simulation, data acquisi-
lion, process control and SCADA. Last year’s presentations included papers
on the validation of floating point arithmetic operations, Digital’s documenta-
tion tools and a training seminar on the principles of simulation with particular
reference to its use in a manufacturing environment.
Of particular interest this year are papers covering the design philosophy of
computing projects in areas of manufacturing or any of the topics falling within
the application of computers in industry. We are also interested in papers cov-
ering users’ experience in the installation and management of such projects
and also detailed papers on some aspect of applied computer technology. In
addition we would appreciate any offerings for training seminars.
Finally, a request to all members interested in the objectives of the working
group to send me any suggestions for presentations or training seminars for
future symposia so that we can invite suitable speakers to talk on these sub-
David Harris, Manufacturing and Applied Technology Group Chairman,
Tel: +44 929 551207, Fax: +44 929 551621 (preferred)
Methods, Languages and Tools SIG
As the new SIG chairman I'd like to welcome all our friends to the MLT SIG.
I hope to keep up the good work of our ‘old’ chairman Bernd Gliss.
For the 1990 Symposium, we are particularly interested in topics concerning
the life cycle of a software product. Some ideas: methods of analysis and de-
sign, object-oriented design approaches, project management, programming
languages, documentation, CASE tools, etc.
If you have questions about your contribution, please call me.
Hansjakob Baumann, European MLT SIG Chairman,
Tel: +41 85 69381
Networks SIG
The enormous growth of networks seems to be slowing down. Local area net-
works (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs) now belong to the normal
working environment for most of us. But interconnection of LANs and WANs
is not so easy. It is also a fact that user requests for high speed networks are
increasing. Will FDDI be the answer?
For those interested in network software, migration to DECnet/OSI Phase V
will probably be a hot topic at the 1990 Symposium. Will OSI software become
prevalent? Can you live without TCP/IP? And we’ll also be looking at the extra
requirements of applications in order to run efficiently over a network.
Together we can make the Networks SIG stream in Cannes a great success.
Rosette Vandenbroucke, European Networks SIG chairperson,
Tel: +32 2 64] 32 10 or +32 2 641 32 10
You know that your experience is valuable. Please share your knowledge with
us by giving presentations, contributions or even a training seminar. Remember
that this is a user-driven Symposium!
As you know, the Symposium theme is ‘Applications for a New Decade’. Let’s
add a new concept for OA: ‘CIO’ (Computer Integrated Office) and look out
for ClO Applications. What we’re looking for are presentations concerning:
m Experience in Office Automation (any level)
= ALL-IN-1! topics and ALL-IN-1 integration
@ Third party solutions
= Desktop publishing
= OA and Unix
= A look into the future
Helmut F. Kuester, European OA SIG Chairman,
Tel: +49 89 7209 272
PC and Workstation Working Group
At the last European DECUS Symposium we had more than sixty interesting
sessions and a successful club room together with the TAG SIG. For one year
we had been working together as a Working Group. Due to the wide range of
interest areas and activities, it was decided to establish two new working
groups: the PC and Workstation Working Group and a separate Graphics
Working Group.
The interest in the areas of PCs, Macintosh and the fast growing workstation
activities emphasizes the importance of our group. To make the sessions in
Cannes even more interesting than in The Hague, we need you to participate
with your experience in any area related to desktop systems.
In Cannes we would like to further develop our successful club room activities
together with the Graphics Working Group. We would also like to provide you
with a library of interesting software. What about a collection of ‘goodies’ on
diskette or tape? To make such a collection, we need contributions from you
and other users.
You may also consider demonstrating some of your software in our club room
before submitting the material to the library of the PC and WS Working Group
Symposium collection.
Please submit as early as possible. If you have any questions regarding possible
submissions, please contact me.
Looking forward to seeing and hearing from you in Cannes.
Per Arne Boerresen, European PC and WS Working Group Chairman,
Tel: +47 2 843386 (office until Jan. 15)
+47 2 651080 (office after Jan. 15)
+47 2 123185 (home)
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Realtime SIG
The Realtime SIG includes the areas of realtime, data acquisition, analysis,
research and control. For the 1990 DECUS Europe Symposium our SIG
would welcome contributions covering the following topics:
= Realtime applications
m Applications for the new low-end VAX systems
= Measurement of Realtime performance
m Signal Processing and Data Analysis
= Biomedical Applications
= LIMS/SM Laboratory Data Systems
= Realtime Data Acquisition and Control Applications
= Distributed Data Acquisition
@ Pattern Recognition
® Robotics
All other interesting offers for presentations within the RT SIG area will be
welcomed. I look forward to seeing you in Cannes and to talking about how we
can fulfill your needs and wishes.
Zoran Bozovic, European Realtime SIG Chairman,
Tel: +38 11 681 466
eee SS eee
You the RSX users in Europe can contribute to the 1990 DECUS Europe
Symposium by telling the rest of the RSX community about the ways you
solved your problems, and the tricks you perform with your system. Let us
know about the successes and pitfalls you have experienced coexisting with
VMS, PCs, etc.
Again we hope to repeat the club room with RSX software running on a dedi-
cated machine, so you may wish to contribute to the RSX Symposium tape.
There can only be one if you contribute!
K.J. Pickard, European RSX Chairman,
Tel: +44 1 450 8911 ext 372
The 1990 Symposium is an ideal way to find out about Digital’s activities in
Unix, Unix standards and where these are going. Digital has a role in both the
X/Open and the OSF organizations.
Unix, even in its two flavours, is nearly a hardware independent environment.
When this is coupled with X Windows, it provides a modern and flexible user
The main failing of Unix is system management. Recent virus attacks have
shown how important good management is. The 1990 Symposium is an ideal
way to get together and to share each others experiences.
At all the meetings 1 have attended, the time given to allow people to discuss
what they do and the problems they have is never enough. People just love to
gossip, so why not turn this to your advantage, get your name in print and
impress the boss. Just write down about a page on your last year’s experience
with Unix/ULTRIX (good and bad) and submit it as a paper. It does not take
much talk to fill 30 minutes especially if you allow questions from the floor.
Peter Churchyard, European UNIx SIG Chairman,
Tel. +44 1589 S111
The VAX Special Interest Group is for DECUS members in Europe who are
interested in VAX hardware, VMS and its layered products. The number of
ways this hardware and software is utilised is quite surprising and, no doubt,
your site has done something which is a little different and possibly unique.
However you use VAX systems or VMS, and whatever your application is,
there is bound to be something of interest to other VAX SIG members. So
why not submit a paper to the 1990 Symposium so that others may benefit
from your experience?
Or perhaps you are an expert in a particular area of VMS? In which case you
may care to present a pre-symposium seminar. If so, then please let us know.
In Cannes we shall continue a number of traditional activities. There will be an
advanced ‘Question and Answer’ session where experts from Digital’s Central
Engineering group will be available to answer your questions. Part of this ses-
sion will include a ’Magic’ contest where you can stand up and tell your
favourite anecdote. A small prize will be offered for the best entry.
We will be running a series of clinic sessions in the club room where you can
discuss your problems in some detail with the VMS developers. The club room
will also house some equipment for experimenting on and a documentation set
for consultation.
Also, we will be collecting contributions to a symposium tape collection. This
will be a collection of goodies contributed by members for distribution to other
members both in Europe and in the U.S. So if you have something to offer,
bring it along on your favourite medium and give it to our tape librarian.
Finally, the sessions themselves. These are traditionally dominated by Digital
speakers and yet there is so much expertise in the user community. Although
attendees enjoy hearing what Digital have to say, they also enjoy hearing about
other users’ experiences, so please send us your contribution and together we
will make the 1990 Symposium the best ever!
Tony Arnold, European VAX SIG Chairman,
Tel: +44 61 275 6093, Fax: +44 61 275 6040
eee — eee
Symposium registration information will be sent to all
DECUS members during June. For further information
concerning the 1990 DECUS Europe Symposium, please
DECUS Europe,
12 Avenue des Morgines,
1213 Petit-Lancy,
Telephone: +41 22 709 4264
Telefax: +41 22 792 25 03
X.25 mail address:
DTE number: 02284881143540, Account name: EURODECUS
X.400 mail address:
Published by DECUS Europe Communications, Geneva, Switzerland,
using Interleaf publishing software.
Copyright 1990, DECUS Europe. All rights reserved.
Printed in Switzerland