- מו"ל: Digital Equipment Corporation
- פורמט: חוברת
- נמסר ע"י: ענת כרמי
- תגיות:
OCR (הסבר)
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“Today's market conditions make it clear that
computer products must meet standards.
Don't let that fact lead you to the misconception
that all computer vendors are the same.
Only Digital provides The Open Advantage.”
Bill Johnson
Vice President, Corporate Marketing Planning
TO: IS Executives
RE: Changes, Challenges, and Choices
You're looking for ways to increase profitability while tightly
controlling costs. You're concerned about quality — quality of
your products and quality of services. You're pressing forward
with efforts to improve customer satisfaction. You need to
innovate. To do all this, you face difficult challenges and even
tougher choices.
You must evolve into a leaner, more efficient organization.
You're probably making a conscious move toward “empow-
ered” employees and self-directed teams. You may be putting
more responsibility in the hands of the workgroup. And all this
changes the way work gets done.
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resources no matter who manufactured them or where they
reside. And we are constantly working to enhance our open
business practices with software licensing programs, technol-
ogy agreements and strategic alliances with hardware and
software partners. Not only do we bring all the elements
together, we integrate them and make them work together.
We put together this package of information so that you and
others in your organization would have easy access to some
_ Straight talk as you face the difficult challenges ahead. Each of
the pieces in this package addresses a different networking
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At the same time, you’re being forced to take a more global
view of your markets, your competition, and your network.
You need tighter links to suppliers and distributors worldwide.
And you need to respond quickly to competitive challenges
wherever they crop up.
The natural result of these efforts is an ever-increasing require-
ment to use technologies as enabling tools to link people to
the resources they need to work independently and
collaboratively. And too, the evolution is toward a greater
reliance on technology to provide the communications
infrastructure needed to compete in a changing world anda
global economy.
As you face these changes, challenges, and choices, Digital's
open networks can provide you with real advantages.
At Digital, we are committed to open technology based on
standards, so you can integrate your networking environment.
We have pioneered the concept of open services to plan and
design your network and to manage all your information
“Desktop Networks” speaks to the Workgroup Managers and
the IS Specialists who are responsible for tying PCs,
workstations, and terminals together and linking them to the
“Site and Campus Networks” looks at solutions available to
Facilities Managers who need to install, consolidate, manage,
and link local area networks.
“Enterprise Networks” is for the Data Comm Manager or
Telecom Manager who has responsibility for designing,
building, and maintaining the wide area network backbone.
“Networked Applications” allows Department Managers and
MIS to use multivendor, multiprotocol services and utilities to
enhance communications and improve productivity.
I think as you investigate your options here and elsewhere,
you'll realize just what we mean when we say Digital is the
Open Advantage.
Gail Daniels
Director, Networks Marketing
Your network is a critical asset of your business. So, as you
set about developing a comprehensive information strategy,
one of your most pressing challenges will be to plan,
develop, implement, and manage a fully integrated network
infrastructure — to establish a truly open environment from
the desktops to the departments to the entire enterprise.
... truly open technology — a transparent networking
environment of products and services based on standards and
supported by open business alliances and business practices.
... Scalable and powerful products that provide consolidation
and planned growth from small workgroups to local area
networks to multisite wide area networks.
... complete capabilities to integrate multivendor,
... the ability to combine FDDI, Token Ring, Ethernet, Frame
multiprotocol solutions locally and globally.
Relay, and X.25 to meet the needs of various groups and to
enhance your existing investment.
... Solutions that give you the flexibility to choose the
appropriate applications and best platforms, and to locate
them wherever they need to be to get the job done.
.. . Strong alliances between Digital and its partners to deliver
and support the total network solution.
The impact of your network on your business is enormous.
You need networking partners who know what they’re
doing — a company with a long, successful track record
planning, designing, installing, and managing sophisticated
Networking is more than just current products and services—
it’s a mindset that recognizes the importance of communica-
tions and understands the subtleties of systems integration. At
Digital, we have been thinking this way for almost two
decades. We pioneered distributed processing — defining
networking for the world. We have been thinking about
networks longer, have planned and installed more networks,
and have more networking solutions than anyone else.
Since the early ’70s and across five generations of networks,
Digital has evolved its open networks solutions to today’s
award-winning ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS. Digital’s networks
started as simple file transfers in 1975 and evolved into fully
distributed systems. As always, Digital responded with network
integration capabilities as many vendors entered the market
with new products and protocols. Now, Digital’s
ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS offers solutions for FDDI, OSI, TCP/
IP, and enterprise management — the latest solutions to the
challenges of the 90s.
Performance Leader in Open Networks
Today, Digital is the Performance Leader in Open Networks—
providing flexible solutions to technology and business chal-
lenges. Digital lets you start small and grow, or consolidate to
reflect your needs by applying as few or as many scalable capabili-
ties as you want whenever and wherever you need. You get the
flexibility of incremental growth.
No one vendor has all the solutions you need. You face a
multivendor reality, with products from many suppliers, resources
distributed over multiple sites, and systems that use different
protocols. Because Digital understands this point, we have open
business practices with many networking suppliers. This provides
our customers with the best possible networking solutions
available. Digital’s open networking gives you the advantage of a
full spectrum of choices in connectivity, interoperability, distrib-
uted applications and management options to combine your
individual networks from different suppliers into a cohesive
Enterprise Network that you can control.
You need to confront and manage technology growth throughout
your organization — to administer your proliferating PC LANs and
link them together; to make intelligent choices about local area
networks for facilities and campuses; and to look at the overall
issues of networking your entire enterprise. Across all of these
technologies, you need to provide users with the tools — the
networked applications — to be more effective.
Digital has the expertise — developed over two decades of
networking — to provide the total solution. Our commitment
to standards gives us the ability to integrate multiple vendors’
products, multiple operating systems, and multiple protocols.
Combine this commitment with solutions from third-party
alliances and you get the freedom to choose from a range of
technologies and applications, plus the power to use these
solutions across your entire enterprise.
Desktop Networks
A fundamental networking requirement is the need to link
various desktop devices. Digital has desktop networking
solutions for PCs, workstations, and terminals. Now you can
allow users to be more productive by integrating them through
PATHWORKS — our corporate network operating system that
allows users to share information across DOS, OS/2,
Macintosh, UNIX , and VMS platforms throughout the enter-
prise. Digital also provides a full range of PCs, workstations and
terminals. And we have a complete line of products for making
the physical connections among these systems.
With the most robust corporate network operating system, a
comprehensive suite of desktop platforms, and the most
flexible choices in modular connections, only Digital can offer
you a complete desktop networking solution.
Site and Campus Networks
At times, business growth necessitates network expansion. At
other times, you may need to provide broader connectivity
that will promote better communications and collaboration
throughout an existing site or campus. Digital offers flexible
network solutions, including open local area networks (LANs)
and high-performance FDDI networks.
When you need high-performance connections within
workgroups Or across an entire campus, you can turn to
Digital’s newest solutions — a suite of award-winning FDDI
products. You get network speed where you need it along
with the flexibility to handle image, video, and data. These
high-performance solutions complement your existing LANs —
easily integrating with Ethernet and Token Ring and providing
a flexible network infrastructure with a combination of fiber
and copper media.
These solutions provide the ability to grow and extend LANs,
to integrate multiple network protocols, and to manage the
network effectively.
Enterprise Networks
Digital integrates your entire enterprise with its multiprotocol
ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS products and capabilities. We offer
a full array of bridges, routers, and gateways to provide the
network infrastructure you need in today’s competitive global
environment. This includes multiprotocol support across your
entire network. We also provide the means to effectively
manage all your information resources with our Enterprise
Management Architecture (EMA). You get a truly worldwide
Networked Applications
Digital is committed to providing networked application
solutions that give people and departments access to the
information and resources they need. From the office, to the
lab, to the shop floor, Digital provides a comprehensive suite
of networked applications — electronic mail, computer
conferencing, file and print services, EDI, and much more.
These are scalable solutions that reside on systems from the
desktop to the mainframe. We want to help you build systems
supported by a solid network infrastructure in which people
can communicate and collaborate as needed, even with those
outside the enterprise.
To achieve your business goals, you need the freedom to
choose the solutions that are best for you and to be sure
that they will work together.
Whether your current interests tend toward the desktop, the
department, or the entire enterprise, the one truth about
networks is that they grow and change. With Digital, you get
the scalable systems and applications that best suit your
current needs — with the full confidence that they will work
with existing systems, but grow as your needs change.
The key to business success today is easy access to informa-
tion, applications, and resources, no matter where they are on
the network or who developed them. Digital networks provide
broad connectivity that enhances current investments and
improves the effectiveness of individuals, workgroups,
departments, and whole companies — from local to world-
wide systems.
Integration and Management
Network integration and management is another clear business
advantage for your organization. Being able to operate,
Investment Protection
manage, and service products from multiple vendors, through
a single management system and a single support organization,
maximizes the availability of these valuable resources and
makes your business more successful.
Investment Protection
The advantage underlying all these benefits is that you enhance
your existing investments in systems and applications, and you
can easily integrate the latest technologies to take advantage of
new benefits. We also provide backwards compatibility and
multivendor integration so that your full investment is opti-
When you overlay your business needs and challenges with
Digital’s technology solutions, you'll see how Digital’s open
networks help you improve the effectiveness of your organiza-
tion and enhance your competitive position.
Yours is a multi-vendor reality. Today, across the entire
enterprise, your systems have to interoperate and share data
and applications.
Digital's open networks are possible today through Network With NAS you get a suite of standards specifications that allow
Application Support (NAS) — Digital’s open system foundation applications to conform and work together. Ultimately this
for integrating your company’s applications across distributed, simplifies the application development process, improves
multivendor environments and platforms, recognizing the users' productivity, and protects your technology investments.
mixed platform realities of today’s companies. NAS is not only
a blueprint for application integration, it is a suite of software In Digital, you have a single vendor with the broad frame of
products based on standards — including application program- reference needed to recognize your multivendor reality and
ming interfaces, run-time services, and documentation. the experience to provide truly open solutions.
Everything from desktop systems to large computing resources
is tied together using NAS — a client/server model based on
the concept of peer-to-peer computing.
Digital’s Network Integration Services provides consulting,
implementation, and management support for multivendor
Network consulting servic st you in pls ng and
designing open networks; implementation services help your
organization set up and integrate multivendor networks into
open computing environments; and management servic
support your business in maintaining peak performan
open networks.
Digital believes the information in this publication is accurate
as of its publication date; such information is subject to
change without notice. Digital is not responsible for any
inadvertent errors.
The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corpora-
DECnet, ALL-IN-1, DECwrite, DECserver, DECagent,
DECconnect, DECNIS, eXcursion, MOBILIZER, DEC,
VAX, DECconcentrator, DECmcc,VAXcluster, LAT.
The goal of Network Integration Services is to help your
company maximize its resources and protect its investments.
That’s because Digital’s strategy is based on an open environ-
ment —Open Technology, Open Services, and Open Busin
Digital . . . The Op vantage.
OS/2, IBM, PROFS, and SNADS are registered trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation. Macintosh,
LocalTalk, AppleTalk, and AppleShare are registered trade-
marks of Apple Computer, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark
of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Microsoft is a registered
trademark of Microsoft Corporation. NetWare and Novell are
registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. NFS is a registered
trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ProNET is a registered
trademark of Proteon, Inc. AT&T is a registered trademark of
American Telephone & Telegraph Company. MCI is a regis-
tered trademark of MCI Communications Corporation.