- מו"ל: Digital Equipment Corporation
- פורמט: חוברת
- נמסר ע"י: ענת כרמי
- תגיות:
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dijo t fal
Networked Applications
TO: Departmental Managers
Application Development Managers
RE The Departmental Challenge
We know you have business-critical operations across
multiple departments, sites, and geographies.
You have to meet the needs of the business by connect-
ing these operations together, but you also need to have
choices of the kinds of applications that will work best
for your groups and make them more effective. As you
tie groups together, they have to be able to collaborate
and share information, applications, and resources from
different vendors’ systems.
At Digital, we are committed to providing networked
application solutions that give people and departments
access to the information and resources they need. We
want to help you build systems supported by a solid
network infrastructure in which people can communi-
cate and collaborate as needed — even with those
outside the enterprise.
This package was developed to give you easy access to
straight answers about our solutions for networked
applications. As you investigate your options here and
elsewhere, we think you'll see what we mean when we
say Digital is the Open Advantage.
Networks Marketing
Digital Equipment Corporation
Your department has to implement more
sophisticated applications and reporting systems
that will help in the planning and decision-making
process. As a part of this, you also want to connect
directly to applications on systems in other parts
of the company.
Digital's open networks are possible today through
Network Application Support (NAS) — Digital’s open
system foundation for integrating your company’s
applications across distributed, multivendor environ-
ments and platforms — recognizing the mixed platform
realities of today’s companies. NAS is not only a
blueprint for application integration, it is a suite of
software products based on standards including
application programming interfaces, run-time services,
and documentation.
With Digital everything from desktop systems to
large computing resources is tied together using NAS
— a client/server model based on the concept of
peer-to-peer computing. B
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Of course, different groups within the
department have selected different desktop devices
with different operating systems and are running
different applications. You need to make certain
that all of these work together.
Desktop devices do not have to be reduced to
terminals in order to participate in your enterprise
networks. PATHWORKS extends the power of the PCs
to the network as a whole.
The PATHWORKS corporate network operating system
is Digital’s answer to open, multivendor networks for
PCs. PATHWORKS is a family of PC networking
products that serve as a cornerstone for Digital’s
NAS capabilities.
The PATHWORKS family features a modular product set
based on standards. It provides the networking infra-
structure for client/server computing including file and
print services, electronic mail, access to applications, as
well as network management utilities.
Included in the family is PATHWORKS Links for
Windows, a set of products that offer a complete system
for communicating, navigating, and integrating informa-
tion on your PC network. PATHWORKS Links runs over
Digital's PATHWORKS network software, which can
connect to users all over the world. At the same time,
it provides all the features of Microsoft Windows plus
electronic conferencing, a browser for PC and LAN files,
and conversion and viewing services, all layered on
PATHWORKS for DOS. ALL-IN-1 MAIL provides X.400
messaging services. PATHWORKS Browser allows users
of any Windows-based PC to access information
anywhere in the system regardless of what application
produced the information and what network operating
systems are being used.
PATHWORKS Conferencing lets Windows users set up
electronic conferences for sharing information. This
product is integrated with X.400-compliant ALL-IN-1
MAIL to allow users of a conference to mail information
to other users.
Finally, eXcursion for Windows lets users display and
control X Window applications from within the
Microsoft Windows environment.
PATHWORKS Client/Server Computing
PATHWORKS client/server computing provides the
environment for distributed transactions and applica-
tions, and client-to-client processing. These processes
are distributed, often transparently, even over wide area
networks (WANS). The solutions are scalable to meet
your needs and to grow as your needs change.
You’re moving to develop cross-functional teams to
help address such issues as product and service
quality, customer satisfaction, and streamlined
operations. This is changing the pattern of communi-
cations among your people and groups, and has
greatly increased the volumes and kinds of communi-
cations that need to occur.
Digital’s ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS gives you the
ability to:
Combine multiple open network protocols in a
single system
Communicate with “single protocol” machines
(via gateways where necessary)
Link multiple media access methods
Create a global, multiprotocol backbone network
No one else can bring you such a consistent networking
ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS also provides you with a full
suite of multiprotocol routers to bridge and route open
protocols — TCP/IP, DECnet, and OSI. The components
of ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS are truly open. They have
been developed and tested to international standards.
ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS provides the system and
terminal connections, PC connectivity, and IBM/SNA
interconnections that draw together your company’s
disparate resources. ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS includes
the modular, expandable, network management
capabilities of DECmcc that allow all components of
your network to be managed, regardless of vendor.
Open Network Services and Utilities
Digital offers a full range of network services and
utilities including: file transfer, directory services, E-mail,
network management, and remote login. These services
are expanded to provide voice services using CIT
(Computer Integrated Telephony) and EDI (Electronic
Data Interchange). These are standard services offered
under both OSI and TCP/IP. With Digital, multiprotocol
end systems incorporate both sets of services so they
can communicate over open backbones between open
systems, as well as communicating to DECnet, SNA, and
OSI Application Developers Toolkit
For those situations where you need to build your own
applications, Digital provides the OSI Application
Developers Toolkit. The Toolkit contains APIs (Applica-
tion Programming Interfaces) to allow you to write
applications for an OSI network. The Toolkit is available
for both VMS and ULTRIX, and includes APIs for FTAM,
VT, OSI upper layers, XTI for transport, and an ASN.1
Application Gateways
Your network will not become 100 percent open
overnight. Some systems will be DECnet, others TCP/IP,
others OSI, while others will become multiprotocol. In
order to allow full communications during your
network transition, Digital provides application-layer
gateways. These gateways allow DECnet applications
(such as DAP, CTERM, LAT, and Mail-11) to communi-
cate with OSI applications (such as FTAM, VT, and
X.400). OSI applications are also able to communicate
with TCP/IP applications such as FTP, Telnet, and
X.400 {
VMSmail DECnet
With InfoServer — Digital’s high-performance LAN
storage device — up to 100 network PC users can share
information across multiple operating environments.
This powerful storage server is ideal for applications
where volumes of information need to be shared.
Unlike file servers, InfoServer operates at the block
level, so multiple systems can be served simultaneously.
InfoServer client software supports PATHWORKS for
DOS, VMS, and Novell NetWare environments.
Digital and IBM Communications
In today’s multivendor realities, two major players are
Digital and IBM. In almost any multivendor network,
users need to interoperate between DECnet and SNA
With IBM Interconnect products from Digital, users on
TCP/IP, DECnet, and SNA-based systems can be linked
together for:
Bidirectional interactive access to information and
applications from their desktop
Bidirectional information transfer so that they can move
data back and forth
Program-to-program interface so that the applications
can share information and functions
Management functions to handle components in both
With Digital, you get true interoperability between
today’s predominant network environments. This
interoperability extends today’s proprietary net-
works into an open environment — traditional
boundaries have been broken. @
All users and groups need to communicate directly so
they can collaborate and coordinate their efforts.
MAILbus is a microcosm of the Open I Jetwork and is a
fully networked application.
MAILbus is a family of electronic mail integration
products. Digital’s MAILbus provides multivendor
interconnect capabilities for message transfer, message
management, and directory support throughout the
network. It provides effortless mail connections for
X.400, ALL-IN-I MAIL, the ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office
System, SMTP-based Systems, VMSmail, IBM’s PROFS
and SNADS, and PC mail over both public and private
mail systems.
Taking advantage of Digital’s PATHWORKS products for
connecting systems, ALL-IN-1 MAIL makes it possible for
Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, and DOS users to
communicate via a worldwide X.400-based mail system.
For communications with your customers and vendors,
Digital's EDI products operate over standard X.400
For business travelers who need to stay in touch,
MOBILIZER for ALL-IN-1 provides message transfer
between DOS notebook, laptop, and palmtop comput-
ers, and the ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System.
Digital electronic mail applications allow you to
connect your existing mail applications today —
without modifications. They also let you migrate to
mail systems based on open standards over time. @
The advantage for you once again turns up on the
bottom line. Whether it’s the low cost of tying in local
and remote employees, or the empowerment of
employees to choose the platforms and applications
best for them and yet have access to necessary informa-
tion no matter where it resides, you win. Whether it’s
the economies, efficiencies, and productivity of shared
resources, or the investment protection that comes with
the commitment to standards, the net result is that
departments and workgroups that were once isolated
can now be linked together. And that translates into
competitive advantage and success.
[Worldwide Network Integration Services |
In today’s environment a successful business must have
a fully integrated network infrastructure that supports
its business strategies. Digital offers full worldwide
network integration services to help you plan, design,
implement and manage your network no matter who
manufactured the pieces. That's because Digital’s
strategy is based on an open environment — Open
Technology, Open Services, and Open Business
All of these efforts combine to make up Digital’s Open
Network Advantage — products and services available
to you anytime, any place for any solution . . .from
smaller Desktop Networks . . .to Campus Networks .. .
to Enterprisewide Integration.
Digital . . . The Open Advantage
Digital believes the information in this publication is ac
as of its publication date; such information is subject to
change without notice. Digital is not responsible for any
inadvertent errors,
The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corpc
DECnet, ALL-IN-1, DECwrite, DECserver, DECagent,
DECconnect, DECNIS, eXcursion, MOBILIZER, DEC,
VAX, DECconcentrator, DECmcc,VAXcluster, LAT.
OS/2, IBM, PROFS, and SNADS are registered trademarks «
International Business Machines Corporation. Macintosh
LocalTalk, AppleTalk, and AppleShare are registered trad
marks of Apple Computer, Inc. UNIX is a registered trade
of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. Microsoft is a registere
trademark of Microsoft Corporation. NetWare and Novell
registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. NFS is a registered
trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ProNET is a registe:
trademark of Proteon, Inc. AT&T is a registered trademar
American Telephone & Telegraph Company. MCL is a regi
tered trademark of MCI Communications Corporation,