- שנה: 1986
- מו"ל: משרד המדע והפיתוח
- פורמט: חוברת
- נמסר ע"י: עזבון כתריאל צימט
- תגיות: דו"ח ממשלה
OCR (הסבר)
February 1986
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Findings and Recommendations
The Information Society in Israel:
Economic and Social Implications
The Information Era
Economic Factors in the Development
of IT Systems
Economic Significance of the Information Era
The Individual and the Information Era
Sub-Committee Conclusions
Recommendations on Issues of Common
The Israeli Steering Committee for Information Technology was appointed in
February 1983 by the Minister of Science and Development together with the
Minister of Communications, in accordance with a decision of the Ministers’
Committee for Science and Technology. The remit of the Steering Committee for
Information Technology (IT) was to discuss the issue of IT in Israel, and to
submit IT policy proposals including projects and national priorities to the
government. The Committee set up ten sub-committees to deal with various
aspects of the question. These sub-committees started reporting back to the
Plenary Committee in January 1984. Their reports were scrutinized by the
plenary body, and after the necessary changes were submitted to the government.
To date, a total of nine reports have been completed and submitted: seven
committees have submitted final reports, two have submitted a joint interim
report, while one committee has not submitted a report at all.
This report is a summarized and translated version of the tenth and final report of
the Steering Committee.
This version is intended for distribution among interested circles abroad who wish
to acquaint themselves with the main findings and recommendations of the
Steering Committee. It has been kept concise for the convenience of the reader.
The first chapter gives an overview of the Committee’s findings and recommenda-
tions. These are based on the sub-committees’ discussions and reports, as well as
on the plenary deliberations. This summary is designed to present the Committee’s
recommendations as a list of national aims and policy guidelines for information
technology, with a corresponding list of fourteen major recommendations for
action selected in order of priority from the many recommendations of the
subcommittee reports. Chapter 2 reviews and discusses the economic and social
implications of the development of the information era in Israel. This chapter is an
attempt to give a wider-ranging picture, so as to discuss not only the significance
and trends of the likely development and impact of the information era, but also
the action required to avoid undesirable and harmful developments. Chapter 3
contains a summary of the committee’s recommendations on certain major issues
of common concern to several committees.
This report is therefore a summary of the almost three years’ work of the Plenary
Committee for Information Technology and its subcommittees. Scores of people
were involved in the work, most of them giving their services voluntarily and in
their free time. Thanks and appreciation go to the chairmen for their endeavours,
patience and perseverance which culminated in the committee’s reports, without
forgetting the contributions of the subcommittee members whose initiatives,
insistence and unflagging assistance were crucial for the completion of the reports.
Special thanks go to Dr. Menachem Tassa who joined the Steering Committee in
December 1983 as deputy chairman, and who until he left in August 1985 for an
assignment abroad was involved intensively in the work of the Committee, making
a considerable mark on part of the reports. Last but not least, thanks to Esty
Newman who joined the active team in August 1983 as coordinator of the
Steering Committee for Information Technology. Working unflaggingly and
indefatigably she spurred on the committee, acting as meeting secretary,
coordinating meetings, when needed acting as typist, as well as drafting, editing
and publishing the reports. Without her indispensable contribution it would have
doubtless taken many more months for the Steering Committee to reach this
This report, like its predecessors, is submitted to the government in the hope that
its recommendations will be considered positively and that all possible efforts will
be made to implement them. The greatest reward which those who worked on
preparing these reports can hope for, is vigorous progress in the field of
information technology in Israel, and the steering of the right course in order to
bring about a flourishing information society.
Dr. Jehuda Kella
Chairman, Steering Committee
The deliberations of the plenary Steering Committee for Information
Technology and its sub-committees generated a comprehensive picture of the IT
situation in Israel. The major findings and their concommitant implications
according to the sub-committee reports and the plenary discussions are given
On the basis of approximate estimates, in the absence of any precise
statistical information, the Israel economy may be assumed to have
one computer (excluding personal computers) per 200 staff, and one
terminal for every 15 workers. Some 1.5% of all employees are
involved directly in operating, maintaining, programming and
developing IT applications (excluding computer users). In recent
years the installed base of computers and computer-related hardware
market has grown by some 35% annually. some 2% of the resources
available to the Israeli economy are invested in acquisition and
maintenance of computers and software.
There is a considerable shortage of qualified staff trained in IT at
higher-education establishments, hundreds more being required to
satisfy the growth in market demand. Today there is a shortfalll of
several thousand graduates in the computer and electronics fields.
A disquieting lack of computers science and electronics faculty
members in the Israeli academia is to be noted. While higher-educa-
tion institutions in Israel have computing centres and computing
power which are adequate for current needs, there is yet no super-
computer in Israeli higher-education institutes.
The Israeli telecommunications infrastructure does not comply with
the market requirements for data communications. Gaps exist
between demand and supply of service, as well as between required
quality and existing maintenance levels. The telecommunications
infrastructure is a slowing down factor in the development of IT
systems in Israel (see 3.1.1.).
Large-scale possibilities exist for using IT in the government sector in
order to improve cost-effectiveness and efficiency but these are not
as yet being fully exploited. The government sector is currently
lagging far behind the rest of the economy, in its use of IT resources.
Current inter-ministerial divisions of responsibility for 1T development
and development of IT staff for government IT applications have led
to an unsatisfactory situation.
The Ministry of Education has been trying for several years to bring
computers into the schools. Some 1000 out of 2400 schools are
equipped with personal and other computers for teaching purposes.
However, computer studies have not readily been accepted as an
integral part of the educational system, and due to the lack of
qualified instructors, it has not been possible to make proper use of
equipment already installed. There is a need to develop educational
programmes and learning aids. Budgetary appropriations for equip-
ment and maintenance purposes are inadequate (see 3.1.2.).
Although the Israeli health system is equipped with computers, it
does not gain the possible benefits from them due to the absence of
coordination between health authorities and the absence of national
data banks on health-related matters.
There is no detailed, authoritative information on computers in the
Israeli economy: the Central Bureau of Statistics ceased publishing
the computers and terminals survey in 1981.
The Israeli software industry is constantly expanding. Over 150
software houses offer their services on the market, some of them
selling programming and software maintenance services abroad, with
an ever increasing turnover figure. Known exports of software
currently total some 20 million dollars annually, and it is assumed
that a further equivalent sum is exported but not officially reported.
The government has initiated steps to bring the situation of the
software industry into line with that of manufacturing.
The government of Israel does not provide direct support for
development of IT systems and equipping industrial and commercial
firms with computers.
There is no official government action to increase the general
public's understanding and awareness of computerization and
information technology. Most training and advertising today is
provided by private firms.
In Israel today there are no computerized data banks accessible to
the general public.
The Steering Committee for Information Technology has submitted
a series of sub-committee reports to the government. Below are given the main
recommendations of the sub-committee reports and plenary discussions, making
up an overall picture. These recommendations are those which the Steering
Committee considers should be given top priority.
1.2.1. Aims and National Policy Guidelines
The Committee recommends that the government adopt the following aims and
policy guidelines: Speeding up the development of national IT infrastructures
1) Faster development of the telecommunications infrastructure;
2) Reinforcement of training academic and professional staff in IT
disciplines; Advancing all levels of the Israeli school and educational system
towards using IT for teaching purposes and expanding of computer
instruction, in the school programmes. Encouraging government, industrial and business circles to move into
the information era by means of suitable government incentives. Increasing the efficiency and quality of public, government and
non-governmental services by increased use of IT possibilities.
1.2.2. Action Recommendations
Below are given the recommendations whose implementation the Steering
Committee considers would contribute to attaining the above aims: Faster establishment of a digital telecommunications infrastructure
and data communications networks in Israel, and intensive operations
in order to set up an integrated digital services network (ISDN). Speedier introduction and increase in the rate of penetration of
computer application courses in all Israeli schools by means of
special increased budgetary appropriations. A doubling within five years of the numbers of computer and
electronics graduate from higher-education institutes by expanding
the relevant departments using appropriate methods. Assigning a team to set up a national project for developing
computer-aided teaching systems.,
Making the population at large computer-literate by means of the
mass media (particularly television), and opening clubs and training
Giving the Ministry of Communications governmental possibility for
leading the handling of IT matters. The Ministry of Communications
is to be responsible for promoting and coordinating the development
of government IT systems and services, as well as for government
activities related to IT and the economy.
Making government and general information accessible to the public
by means of government-initiated and supported teletext and
vidotex systems.
Recognition of the Israeli software industry as a high-export-potential
productive sector, and giving it comparable development and export
incentives to those given to Israeli industry generally.
Increasing IT-related standardization in Israel by allocation of the
necessary resources (see 3.1.3.).
Promotion of legislation on IT and laying down a uniform policy to
encourage the setting up and use of data banks.
Establishing a nation-wide inter-hospital information network on the
admission, discharge and transfer of patients.
Reintroduction of statistical surveys on the Israeli computer sector
by allocation of the necessary resources.
Declaration of an “IT Year” in Israel in 1987. During this year the
spotlight will be on information technology, using special media
programmes, seminars and symposia, competitions between firms,
institutes, government ministries and the educational system, in
order to encourage penetration of IT to the economy.
Creation of a governmental organizational body whose remit will be
toimplement the Steering Comittee’s recommendations and promote
IT generally, as well as setting up an official public body to organize
the IT Year.
Generally, a society’s level of development is measured by the total knowledge
available to it and the degree to which it makes use of such knowledge. At the
beginning of the nineteenth century, the total accumulation of human knowledge
doubled every fifty years: in 1950 it was estimated to be doubling every ten years,
while in 1970 the figure had leaped to once every five years. Today, the figure is
considered to be doubling every two to three years.
There are two main reasons for this acceleration in the growth rate of mankind’s
accumulation of knowledge:
1. Developments in computer and communications technologies have led to
efficient, reliable handling of increasingly large amounts of information at
ever faster rates and with an ever-increasing level of reliability at constantly
decreasing costs per information unit.
2. Constant increase in the numbers of people dealing with information both
in the work setting and in non-work situations.
The decisive technological factor in this development is the outstanding
development of microelectronics. In the last fifteen years, computing power has
soared by a factor of ten thousand, while in parallel the price of a computer
operation has been slashed by a factor of one hundred thousand. It is estimated
that over half of all employees on the American economy today have dealings
with information in one way or another. These two factors act on each other: as
data handling possibilities grow and become cheaper, increasing use is made of
them. Moreover, increase in demand for information services leads to more
improvements and technological development, with a concommitant further
reduction in unit costs.
The difference between the level of development of technologically advanced and
technologically under-developed countries may be equivalent to an information
time lag of twenty years or more. There is international consensus that in the
future a country’s economic status will be determined largely by its information
technology (IT) status.
Today there is evidence of the changes taking place in our lives as a result of the
technological, economic and social changes being introduced on a comprehensive
level by the information era. Changes are occuring at the work place, in daily life,
in the educational and health sphere, in government services, and so on. The
information revolution contains an implied promise of a better future, together
with a threat to the future of both individuals and the state. It is up to us to
influence the process and results of development in such a way as to bring about
the welcome and positive effects of the information era. Being able to make
forecasts merely enables the taking of steps to promote suitable developments. It
is however just as important that suitable priorities be set and the necessary
manpower and budgetary resources be designated by all those concerned, be they
government departments, public institutions, industry, economic bodies or last
but not least, individuals.
The government of Israel recognizes the vital importance of information
technology. As a first step towards preparing the country for the information era,
the government appointed a Steering Committee for Information Technology.
This report summarizes the Plenary Committee’s deliberations, together with the
reports of its sub-committees, and gives initial guidelines as to the likely impact of
the information era on an individual level as well as on the State of Israel in the
international arena.
The information era is best described as a world in which individuals have available
at their place of work and at home a wide range of efficient, low-cost means of
communicating with others as well as of accessing manifold information and data
Processing resources. The information in question may be presented in many
forms — sound, picture or graph, written symbols and so on.
The IT system of the future can be described as consisting of a network of
terminals producing varying signals and a vast range of data banks varying widely
in content and size, all of which are inter-connected by a communications system
reliably and at the requisite speeds permitting transmission between the various
components of different types of information at a reasonable price. The basic
technical requirements of an IT system are defined in terms of system behaviour
with reference to human user needs, and may be summarized as follows:
1. “user-friendly” operation and communications
2. high reliability and accuracy
3. reaction time adapted to human reaction speeds.
In addition to these technical and operational characteristics, the economic aspect
must also be taken into account. Operating costs of IT systems must be in
proportion to the benefits accruing to the user. There are still various obstacles to
overcome beyond the operational requirements in order to fully develop an
information society, as well as tackling implementational requirements. The
relevant issues of major import and outstanding significance for which solutions
must be found on the national and international levels are discussed below.
Just like other public-service systems, IT systems are subject to the rules of
economy of scale. Initial investment in such systems is relatively high, while the
direct cost required to provide an individual subscriber with a service is almost
insignificant. When brand-new IT services are developed, there is a basic difficulty
in estimating the probable income or profits, whether in terms of the likely
market penetration or in terms of user willingness to pay for the service. There is
no shortage of examples throughout the world of economic failures resulting from
over-estimation of the growth rate of a market for new technologies. Fortunately,
the infrastructure for IT systems can be used for a wide range of varied
applications, thus enabling investments in the infrastructure to be shared by a
large number of services which can be used by many sectors of the economy.
Consequently, it can be hoped that the imprecision in estimates of likely demand
and returns on investments in various areas will be offset by the very fact that
many fields are involved. For the very same reasons, the government and the
major economic bodies will have a paramount role to play in developing and
helping to implement |T-based systems and services in Israel on a level which will
enable them to continue developing on a stable and economically sound
In order for the IT system to be efficient and of genuine value to the economy, it
must satisfy the following three prerequisites:
1. Up-to-date comprehensive data bank system.
2. System to cover the entire sphere of economic activities and society.
3. Hardware base — computers, terminals and telecommunications infrastructure
responding to the needs of the economy.
This all requires massive economic investments. According to a very rough
estimate, introducing IT on the Israeli civil economy is likely to cost between two
and five thousand dollars per employee, i.e. a total of some 3000 to 7500 million
dollars, for equipment and acquisition or development of suitable software
systems. Training of personnel is likely to cost a further two to four hundred
million dollars, assuming that an average of 50 hours of training per employee are
required for 60% of the work force. Equipping private individuals with computer
terminals or home computers will cost between five hundred million and a
thousand million dollars, assuming that each home invests an average of five
hundred to a thousand dollars. The necessary expansion of the telecommunications
infrastructure so that it can cope with the additional communications needs of the
IT system will be the equivalent of adding around half a million telephone lines,
which at current network-expansion costs will mean around one thousand million
dollars. Thus in order for Israel to attain a high IT standard, it will have to make a
national investment totalling between five and ten thousand million dollars. It
should be stressed that this figure is for overall national investment, with the
government's share probably being less than 10% of the total.
As has already been pointed out, the information era goes hand in hand with
far-reaching technological developments. The following are some of the main
resultant changes.
2.3.1. Product Changes
Developments in microelectronics technology and software have led to major
change in many product fields. These changes generate shifts on price and relative
value levels, which in turn affect market size and employment patterns in the
sectors producing such items. Thus the Swiss clock and watch-making industry has
been seriously affected by the development of digital clocks and watches, which
require the assembling of only five components compared with the thousand steps
necessary to produce a mechanical clock or watch.
Microprocessors are increasingly penetrating many types of consumer products,
including household electricals, home entertainment electronics, cameras, cars and
so forth. Basically everything which was previously done by complex mechanisms
is now performed by electronic systems, the hundreds of mechanical parts being
replaced by one microprocessor, which performs its task more accurately, more
reliably and with far less wear and tear. This revolution has a significant effect on
product cost, as well as modifying the relative cost of components and labour
invested in the manufacturing process.
2.3.2. New Products
As a result of the availability of microprocessors and new communications
resources, a market has developed for new products which were totally
impractical before the advent of the microprocessor, for technical or economic
reasons. Outstanding examples include computer games, public data services such
as videotex, and the robotics industry which makes it feasible for various
manufacturing processes to be performed at high levels of precision and reliability.
These new products have changed individual and public consumption patterns,
shifted manufacturing resources and diverted spending patterns from conventional
products to new ones.
2.3.3. Changes in Manufacturing and Design Processes
Microelectronics are changing the relative contribution of parts manufacture and
labour in production processes. The labour component of many products is
constantly being reduced as a result of the new technology. A further factor is the
increasing use of robots and other automated equipment on production lines. The
two-fold result is a reduction in the labour component as well as an improvement
in product quality and productivity. There is no comparison with the number of
defective products turned out by human labour. Computer-controlled production
lines allow optimum setting of all machine operations and process flow. Where
changes in manufacturing processes or products are required, these can often be
made rapidly and reliably, simply by changing robot instructions and machine
settings, without any training of personnel being necessary.
Computerized production equipment and robots can work in conditions which no
human being could operate under. This means that production can take place
under the most suitable conditions for that particular item, without any extra
investment in order to bring a human worker to the work place.
The availability of high-speed, low-cost computers makes it feasible for computers
to perform an increasing proportion of design work. Areas include computer-aided
drawing, calculations, simulating the different possibilities with which the
designed part will have to be able to cope and studying its behaviour, installation
and adjustment of various parts. Thus, for example, it is possible today to design
an entire vehicle, to assemble its components and sub-assemblies, to check on the
way in which the various components perform under the stresses to which they
will be subject, all without actually producing a single metal part. At the end of
the designing process instructions can be issued directly for the machine tools
department and the assembly shop for manufacturing and other processes. This
CAD/CAM approach is revolutionizing attitudes to product development and
process flows. The time lag between product conception and finished product is
being constantly reduced by computerized design and test possibilities. Customized
production is considerably facilitated by the ease with which design and
production parameters can be altered.
This all seems to be painting a very rosy picture of a more vigorous industrial and
commercial setup with a high-speed product development capacity, turning out
higher-quality products more efficiently and more cheaply as a result of more
effective use of materials, energy and labour, and so on. However, a potentially
gloomy note is struck by the fierce competition characteristic of the market,
raging between those on the one hand who have wasted no time in acquiring the
new technology and design and manufacturing tools, and the others who for
various reasons have not done so. The alternative facing the different sectors of
industry and economic activities is a stark one: either to switch promptly to the
new technologies, or to go under. The process of change involves sending shock
waves through the entire economy, making major investment in equipment and
training, in R&D, in developing new industries to replace those which have
closed down, retraining workers and finding them alternative employment, and so
on. Given such major changes and the urgency of the matter, the government
must assume the major responsibility for steering and guiding the Israeli economy
as a whole and providing the necessary tools and resources for ensuring that
industry manages to adapt successfully.
2.3.4. Changes in Management Process
The availability of IT systems has a particularly striking impact on management
processes in industrial, commercial, government and social systems alike: in short,
in every sphere of our lives in which decisions are taken. IT systems provide the
manager or decision-maker with tools for data collection at high speeds and large
distribution of sources, high-speed processing of collected data and display in the
form selected by the user, identification of possible lines of action and computer
simulation of their potential outcomes. Decisions taken by decision-makers using
IT systems will undoubtedly be superior to those of their non-computerized
counterparts. Increased use of IT systems will improve public administration
efficiency, as well as reducing the overall load borne by the general public as a
result of the administration structure, improving the quality of services to the
public and making it more possible to achieve greater justice and fairness in the
treatment received by individuals at the hands of the authorities. A countervailing
fear is that the authorities will have more control over the individual citizen as a
result of the setting up of comprehensive data banks containing detailed
information on individuals. Throughout the world legislative bodies are currently
tackling this problem. Using the requisite technological and software developments,
various countries’ legislative systems are working to protect individuals against
invasion of their privacy and subjection of individuals to government or other
control to a degree greater than the strict minimum necesary for performance of
such authorities’ tasks, as well as to avoid misuse of personal information in order
to exert pressure on individuals.
As the main body responsible for public administration, the government is
duty-bound to initiate the development of IT systems for increasing the efficiency
of public administration in all spheres, including taxation, education, health, law
and order enforcement, employment, social services and many other fields of
government-citizen interaction. Consequently it is the government which must
promote and encourage the development of IT systems for economic, industrial,
financial and commercial applications as well as in all other branches, with the aim
of advancing Israeli economic life and improving its position in the merciless
international competitive struggle.
In the light of the urgent need for vigorous development of IT systems and
applications in administration, the government must undertake detailed legislative
initiatives and actions in order to protect individuals in Israel from misuse of the
opportunities and power with which IT systems might otherwise provide their
2.3.5. Changes in Employment
The information era naturally has a major impact on the employment front. Not
only is there a significant change in the quantity of manpower required for
manufacturing and services as a result of the use of computers and communications
resources but there is also an essential difference in the nature of human work in
the information era. There are changes in the absolute quantity of work required
for individual services and products. However, the reduction in work quantity
resulting from microelectronic systems applications and the use of robotics on
production lines is counterbalanced to some extent by the expansion of
quantities produced and the market, as well as by the production of new goods
and services. There are of course grounds for apprehension that in the long run
essential changes are bound to occur in the patterns of human labour, including
shorter working hours, earlier retirement, extension of the period of education
‘and professional specialization, as well as other solutions for dividing resources
among the population. According to certain opinions, one of the main problems
facing societies and governments in the future will be to find valid life-styles
which will provide subsistence and not be based exclusively on the premise of
The changes in the nature of employment can be seen in the reduction in the
relative amount of manual work, and the increase in human intellectual input.
There is a continuous shift towards increasing knowledge and specialization. This
in turn forces changes in the educational and vocational training systems on all
levels. A young person completing training today cannot manage without a
background in IT matters. The Israeli educational system has started to adopt the
use of computers in its curriculum several years ago, and certain achievements can
already be seen. Unfortunately, however, the amount of training required has
grown at a pace which is being increasingly outstripped by the rate at which IT is
being introduced to the curriculum.
2.3.6. Standardization in the IT sphere
A crucial factor in the development of IT systems is the compatibility of the
various components making up such systems. In order for users of the system to
be able to be interconnected and use the various data sources, there must be a
common “‘language’’. International standardization bodies are investing major
efforts in developing international agreements on IT standards. Switching to a
compatible system is a very lengthy, difficult and expensive process. It is therefore
of vital importance that all parties involved in IT matters in Israel be both actively
and passively involved in the evolution of international IT agreements and
standards. It is particularly important to ensure that new developments conform
with the new standards and will be able to be adapted to the expected changes. In
addition to participation in standardization work on an international level, there is
an urgent need for national standardization on matters of particular relevance to
Israeli IT problems, including the Hebrew language, multi-language use, data bank
structure and other subjects which have not yet been dealt with in international
standardization bodies but are being tackled on a national level in individual
All of these standardization issues require appropriate organizational measures in
Israel, together with national efforts in order to produce a standards system which
will deal adequately with the needs of the information era, as well as contributing
to its rapid and effective development in Israel.
2.3.7. Interests of Owners of Information
One of the aims of developing IT systems is to improve access to all types of data
by those in need of it. This is in opposition to the interests of those owning such
information, whether on an individual level, an organizational level or nationally.
Information is a special commodity: its value is in being available to the person
who needs it, and when it is passed from one party to the other it becomes the
possession of both parties. When information is transferred, the provider of such
information loses the relative advantage over the person who did not previously
Possess such information. This problem exists on an inter-organizational level as
well as in inter-personal relations within organizations.
If an information society is to develop, basic solutions have to be found to the
question of information ownership and rights, and acceptable rules must be
developed for governing information exchange between individuals, organizations
and states. Given the economic and security value of information, satisfactory
methods have to be found for guaranteeing the rights of owners of information,
by means of enactment and enforcement of legislation on the one hand, and by
technical data protection methods on the other hand. One of the problems facing
the legislator in this area is that of transborder data flow (TBDF). Professional
circles are currently struggling to solve this problem, but they do not appear to
have any simple solutions. Issues include import and export taxes on information
and software transmitted via telecommunications channels and enforcement of
legislation on privacy. To erect barriers as a way of dealing with the flow of
information via telecommunications channels is not a valid approach to the
problem, both for technical reasons as well as in terms of international
commercial scientific information and cultural relations. The only viable
alternative is to invest in research to find suitable technical and legal solutions.
Such solutions must strike a balance between protecting rights and ownership of
information on the one hand, and not impeding the development of the
information era on the other. Appropriate methods must be found for achieving
this balance. Tardiness in acting on these matters is likely to have a harmful effect
on the vital interests of economic bodies in Israel, as well as on the State as a
This section discusses the impact of the information era and its innovations on the
life of the individual, his or her actions, the effect on professional life, relations
with governmental institutions, administrative and business systems, and so forth.
2.4.1. Individual Life Styles in the Information Era
As outlined in the preceding section, technological changes and automation of
production design and office processes will lead to a reduction in the amount of
manual labour required. One of the most obvious effects of this is the change in
the balance between leisure time and the number of employment hours which the
individual ‘‘sells’’ to others. This trend is generating increasing social and
communal problems. Efforts must be invested in developing a “‘leisure culture’’.
Resources have to be earmarked for developing suitable infrastructure for leisure
time activities, including sports and entertainment facilities, developing hobbies,
providing courses for all levels, and so on. Moreover, educational activities,
instruction and proper presentation of the leisure society are also of prime
One of the problems already facing us today is the “‘retirement crisis’ syndrome.
When workers who have devoted the larger part of their adult lives to work are
forced to retire, they reach a crisis point, and are sometimes destroyed by their
struggles to cope with a problem with which they have no training — leisure. As
retirement is taken earlier and earlier in the information era, this problem will
worsen steadily, and steps should be taken in good time to learn how to deal with
it. Counterbalancing the growth in leisure resulting from the reduction in demand
for labour are other processes generated by the information era. The need for
highly-skilled personnel lengthens the requisite period of education, while more
on the job training is provided, thus reducing the ‘‘net work life’’ of an employee,
while at the same time sharing available work among more employees. A second
aspect is the development of a long list of leisure activities based on
state-of-the-art technologies and IT resources. Both general educational and
vocational training systems need to give IT-related subjects prime positions on all
levels of their curricula. The government must promote and encourage the
development of matters related to the leisure culture, whether in the field of
IT-based subjects or not. The development of a leisure culture is a long-term issue,
and the government should start considering it now rather than later.
One vital area worth mentioning here is the use of technology and IT to improve
the life of handicapped people. The necessary resources and investments in this
area are likely to be amply repaid by the savings on assistance and the
rehabilitation of the handicapped person as an effective and productive member
of society.
2.4.2. Employment
We are now facing a new situation, where the rate of technological development is
such that methods and means of production are changing faster than the natural
turnover rate at places of work. In an employee’s “work life’’ there will be several
technological generations’ worth of changes in equipment and methods. This
situation makes it difficult for workers to adapt, as well as generating management
problems when it comes to effective admistration at work. As IT and information
systems become increasingly sophisticated, understanding properly what they do
requires an ever-increasing level of specialist knowledge. Another major problem
created by the accelerated pace of technological change at work affects labour
relations. In the past, there was a direct relationship between an employee's age
and seniority, and his or her professional status and expertise. Today, a situation
is developing in which a worker. who has just graduated knows far more than
experienced senior personnel. This situation leads to opposition to innovation,
tension and a refusal to cooperate on the part of staff. In order to deal with such
reactions, there must be instruction and in-service further training of workers
throughout their professional lives. Employee may have to be transferred to jobs
which require labour. Employees often fear that the computer is going to replace
them. Experience has shown that the introduction of a computer or an IT system
on an administrative level does not lead to reduction in personnel numbers in the
short term. The immediate impact is primarily on quality and efficiency; it is only
at later stages that a gradual, controlled process of stepped reduction of staff can
take place in accordance mainly with natural attrition of staff for various reasons.
In the manufacturing and manual labour spheres, there are grounds for complaints
that workers suffer from the introduction of robotics and automation. There is no
lasy ready-made solution to this problem, as refraining from automation will
simply bring about the collapse of the firm as a result of competition from
companies which have automated.
Government initiatives are needed in order to educate the public and increase
both awareness of and involvement in all !T-related matters. Such efforts should
be directed at bringing about radical changes in the public’s attitude to
information technology, so that it switches from one of puzzlement and fear to
one of understanding and interest in its multiple applications. A computer-literate
public who can use IT systems intelligently will be interested in developing
applications for it which will accrue to the benefit of both individuals and the
country as a whole.
Care should be taken to ensure that new systems for general use are designed to be
user-friendly, in order to avoid creating negative user attitudes in the early stages
of operation. There is a well-known phenomenon of disappointment with the way
a new system works as a result of insufficient familiarity with it, leading to
rejection of the system. Such unfavourable attitudes are very difficult to correct,
and therefore everything possible must be done to avoid such reactions when new
technologies and working methods or public applications are introduced.
2.4.3. Privacy
The main danger resulting from infringement of an individual’s privacy is misuse
of personal information for the advantage of the person holding that information,
leading to harassment of harm to the individual. Developments of computers, data
banks and communictions networks have made it possible to store, manipulate
and retrieve information in quantities and at speeds unknown and unimaginable in
the past. The ability of IT. systems to store unlimited quantities of data for an
unlimited time, to process and sort them at exceptionally high speeds and make
them available almost immediately to the person in control of the system puts
individuals’ privacy at risk.
Privacy is a person's ability to decide how and under what circumstances to reveal
private matters and information of personal relevance. Rules must be developed to
avoid misuse of personal information whether by governmental bodies or by some
other interested party. A further danger results from the fact that individuals are
not aware of what information has been collected on them, and incorrect
information, whether unintentional or deliberate, is likely to harm individuals
without their being able to do anything about it.
Legislation on privacy is being tackled. by many countries. There are laws
prohibiting unauthorized access to personal data banks. Other regulations include
banning inter-connection of personal data banks, an obligation to allow access to
personal information by the individual concerned, mandatory correction of
inaccuracies and errors and their consequences, as well as legislation designed to
increase individuals’ control over what is to be revealed and to avoid matters being
revealed without the consent of the person concerned.
Countervailing factors include the efficiency of administrative and public systems
in discharging their duty, law enforcement, preventing various offences, and
providing services to the individual in areas such as health, education and
employment. Major differences in approach exist between different state systems,
and research scientists and philosophers tackling the problem have not yet been
able to agree on the right concepts.
Methodical research and reflexion are required in order to work out a social and
conceptual approach to the management of personal data which will be in line
with the conceptual foundations of Israeli public and social life, as well as
developing the requisite technical and organizational tools for implementing such
an approach to the management of personal information.
2.4.4. The Individual’s Relationship with Society
The information era generates far-reaching changes in the relationship between the
individual, society and the authorities. !T systems allow individuals to access
many information sources rapidly and without third party intervention. Thus the
individual is not only able to obtain faster, improved service, but is also no longer
obliged to rely on the services of an omnipotent and omniscient civil servant. The
nature of the government-citizen relationship may well be totally modified by
such developments. The process is a two-way one: in addition to a flow of
relevant, up-to-date information to the citizen on request, !T systems make it
Possible for citizens to transmit information to the authorities in a format suitable
for storage, sorting and processing into conclusions in a high-speed, and objective
fashion. Such a facility permits more active participation by citizens in the
processes of government, by means of referendums and individual participation in
the process of communication between elected representatives and the public.
IT systems provide a previously unknown communications medium which for the
sake of demonstration and simplicity we will define as an electronic mail box for
texts. The system can be accesed at athe user’s convenience at any time from
anywhere. ‘Conversations’ can be held in which large numbers of people can
Participate at different times and from different places, with the possibility of
going over the “‘conversaiton” as often as they wish. The advantages of this
medium are that it allows extremely efficient use of participants’ available time,
permit all participants to express themselves fully, and allow matters to be dealt
with properly without time or geographical constraints. These facilities have a
radical impact on the individual’s ability to participate in society, including
relationships with government agencies, economic corporations, social organizations
or any group of people with common interests. Experience acquired in business
setups equipped with such systems shows that an individual’s attitude to the
organization changes significantly as a result of such possibilities for participating
in greater depth. It has also been found that different personal qualities are
appreciated than those considered important under other communications
2.4.5. Government Role and Function
Many likely developments and influences on individuals’ lives resulting from the
information era are discussed above. Some of the consequences will have a
positive effect on individuals’ life patterns and happiness: others are likely to have
a harmful and negative influence.
There are still many queries about desirable lines of development for the
information era. Research, study and intellectual developments are all required in
order to come up with answers to these as yet unresolved questions.
Various infrastructures are indispensable for the development of the information
era. The crucial resource is the human one. A drastic change will have to come
about in professional manpower distribution in various economic spheres, for
which major changes in the educational curriculum are indispensable. As a first
step towards such changes, a foundation must be created of suitably trained
teachers and instructors, who will act as guides to students entering the
information and IT world.
Another human foundation more specific to IT matters is a stratum of specialists
who will develop and construct IT systems. These include computer scientists,
programmers, systems analysts, computer and communications engineers, as well
as the corresponding technicians. The numbers and quality of these specialist
personnel will have a decisive influence on the performance and speed of
development of IT systems in Israel. With the exception of technicians, these
professionals are not being trained at a sufficient rate, vigorous efforts are
required in order to increase the numbers of university graduates in IT disciplines.
Another type of infrastructure is telecommunications, through which information
flows from user terminals to computers and between computers. the number of
data-transmission leased lines in Israel is roughly equal to the number of installed
computers (excluding personal and micro-computers). This number is lower than
expected, since it implies that in Israel on average each computer is connected to
only one terminal (or collection of terminals all at the same location) while the
other terminals are connected to a computer in the same building or on the same
premises. This figure needs to be compared with the number of terminals
operating in Israel, estimated at an average of some 15 terminals per computer.
The response by the Israeli telecommunications company, Bezek, to applications
for line installations needs to be improved. Lines must also be brought up to
international levels of reaction and quality. Similarly, the Isranet network and its
national and international channels must be expanded in order to provide the level
of service expected of such networks. Steps must be taken in the near future in
order ot ensure that demand can be satisfied and that a modern telecommunications
infrastructure is deveoped suitable for a State whose development is based on the
resources offered by the IT systems of the information era.
This chapter deals with the overall recommendations of the sub-committees.
Although each sub-committee dealt with a different aspect of information
technology, there were naturally areas of overlapping and common concern to all
the sub-committees. These six common areas are given below, with a summary of
the positions of the various sub-committees. ;
3.1.1. Telecommunications Infrastructure
The first topic to be referred to by almost all the sub-committees, although there
was a special sub-committee on the subject, was the telecommunications
infrastructure in Israel. Practically all sub-committees spoke of the need for
immediate enhancement and improvement of Israel’s telecommunications infra-
structure, as an indispensable prerequisite for developing IT systems in general as
well asin the specific subject areas of each committee’s remit. The telecommunica-
tions infrastructure sub-committee stressed the need to accelerate implementation
of communications solutions for IT applications, including accelerated installation
of point-to-point lines, rapid expansion of the public data communications
network (Isranet), and expeditious changeover to a digital telecommunications
infrastructure to deal with both the telephone shortage as well as promoting the
development of Israel’s telecommunications infrastructure. The telecommunica-
tions infrastructure sub-committee emphasized the importance of an integrated,
coordinated effort by the Israeli Telecommunications company, Bezek, and
industry jointly in order to set up and implement an integrated services digital
network (ISDN) with a target of commercial application before 1990.
The sub-committee for /7 in the Health Sector emphasized the need for a suitable,
improved telecommunications infrastructure in order to implement its recom-
mendation for the establishment of a nation-wide inter-hospital information
network on the admission, discharge and transfer of patients throughout Israel.
The sub-committee on Services for the Individual recommended more immediate
switching to a digital telecommunications system, as well as reinforcing the Isranet
network, in order to provide a suitable telecommunications infrastructure for the
needs of Israel’s current and future IT systems in years to come. Another
recommendation was that in developing an infrastructure for citizens’ IT services
there be fair geographical coverage and one price for all users. The subcommittee
for Research and Higher Education recommended that the link between Israeli
academic institutions and bodies abroad be further developed. The sub-committee ©
on /T in the Government Sector recommended the operation of a data
communications network for government applications. The sub-committee for /T
in the Industry & Business Sector recommended improving communications
services for business users, upgrading the availability of existing services,
developing new services, encouraging greater flexibility of intra-organizational
services, and reducing the cost of services in order to aid their penetration to the
economy. The sub-committee for Technologies recommended the establishment
of a system based inter alia on a state-of-the-art communications network linking
computer centres, data banks and work stations throughout Israel.
3.1.2. Education and Training
The second topic of common interest to all the sub-committees is the field of
education and training. On the one hand there is an urgent and vital need for
educating and training both the general public and also professionals for the IT
era, while on the other hand information technology has an enormous potential as
an educational tool which can be applied to the fields of education, training and
scientific reserach in order to bring about improvements, enhance effectivenes and
generally contribute to progress. A vital prerequisite for achieving these two facets
is the availability of a pool of qualified IT specialists.Several of the sub-committees
therefore made reference in their recommendations to ways of proving incentives
for and increasing the numbers of academic personnel in university IT fields, as
well as methods for making more effective use of their knowledge generally.
Other aspects covered by the sub-committees include IT teaching and |T-aided
teaching in schools, public awareness, (see 3.1.4. — Data Bases) computer-assisted
teaching in the health sector, training of staff in the government sector and
increasing awareness of information technology, in addition to technological
training on post-secondary and university levels.
The sub-committees for /7 in Education and Employment and Social Impacts
recommend that a top priority rating be given to the computerization of the
educational system. In this context, the sub-committee for Technologies
recommended a national programme for developing computer-assisted teaching
systems. The sub-committee for /7 in the Health Sector also recommended the
development of computer-assisted teaching in the fields of medicine. The
sub-committees for /7 in Education and Employment and Social Impacts together
with those for Services for the Individual and Research and Higher Education
_recommended the development of a national programme for making the adult
population aware of computers (by means of the mass media, the Open
University, Community Centres and so on). The sub-committees for /T in
Education, Employment and Social Impacts and Research and Higher Education
recommended the establishment of a fund for promoting computer studies in
universities, setting up a board to coordinate university and industry activities,
making arrangements which would permit Israeli academics to spend their
sabbatical in Israel, and vigorous efforts to promote the immigration to Israel of
IT specialists as well as to bring back to the country Israeli 1T experts currently
living abroad. The sub-committee for IT in the Government Sector recommended
making senior civil servants more aware of IT applications as well as outlining a
manpower policy for IT specialists in the government sector.
3.1.3. Standardization
The third subject of common concern to all the sub-committees is that of
standards. This involves the establishment of approved standards in order to allow
communication between different systems and bring about considerable economic
savings for both the public system, with particular reference to the governmental
system, and also industrial systems. The need for standardization applies to
communications protocols, software and data banks (see separate section), as well
as to hardware.
All the sub-committees spoke of the need for centralized, coordinated action in
order to lay down uniform specifications in order to ensure compatibility and
communications between systems. However, the possibility of decentralization
and multiplicity should not be rejected. The standardization process calls for a
prudent, open-minded approach in order to avoid creating barriers to development
of technology and IT systems. The Telecommunications Infrastructure sub-co-
mittee recommended more rapid adoption of communications standards. The
responsible authorities should set standards for the quality of communications
services and the connection of equipment to communications networks, as well as
stipulating a mandatory Israeli encription standard for civil applications. The
sub-committee for Services for the Individual recommended the adoption of fast,
flexible procedures for the approval of dedicated data-communications equipment,
the setting of minimum approved requirements for equipment for the transmission
of data to telephone lines, and the adoption in he near future of regulations on
communications protocols. The subcommittees for IT in the Hea/th Sector, in the
Government Sector and for Research and Higher Education also stressed that
standardization is necessary for implementation of their recommendations.
3.1.4. Data Bases
One of the subjects common to most of the sub-committees was the establishment
of new data bases, the increasing of access to existing data bases and the provision
of communications between them. As has already been pointed out, one of the
outstanding features of the IT era is the way in which all types of information
become a day-to-day, highly accessible commodity. All the sub-committees made
the point that data base must be set up and easy access to them provided in the
various areas with which the different sub-committees dealt.
The sub-committee for /7 in the Health Sector referred to the setting up of a data
base on medicines. The sub-committee for /7 in the Industrial & Business Sector
recommended the development of an economic data base to service the economic
sector. The sub-committee for /7 in the Government Sector spoke of setting up
three national ‘‘super’’ data bases, setting up a computerized data base for files
and software packages in government use, as well as the need for switching in the
more immediate future to on-line data transmission to the public, with particular
reference to The Central Bureau of Statistics. The sub-committee for Services for
the Individual also recommended giving the public access to those government
data bases whose information may be published. The sub-committee for /7 in
Education recommended establishing national (libraries) electronic data bases to
which schools’ systems and community centres will be connected. The sub-com-
mittee for Employment and Social Impacts recommended setting up a national
information centre as part of the employment services, to include information on
manpower and employment in the IT field (and later on all occupations) to be
used by institutions which train and employ labour as well as for individuals’ use.
3.1.5. Privacy and Confidentiality
Various sub-committees referred to the need for greater attention to the need for
privacy and confidentiality, in order to be able:
a) to develop state-of-the-art data systems without infringing the individuals’
b) to make increased use of IT systems, permitting applications and develop-
ments which are not feasible today due to inadequate confidentiality in
areas involving personal and economic information, etc.
The Telecommunications Infrastructure sub-committee recommended that the
Attorney General be asked to draft a bill on security and confidentiality jn
information technology. The sub-committee for Legis/ation and Data Bases Polficy
followed the same line of thinking, and urged that the Ministry of Justice act to
issue appropriate legislation. A similar approach was outlined by the sub-committees
for /T in the Health Sector, in the Government Sector and for Services for the
3.1.6. Taxation
Various sub-committees considered the question of taxation, both in terms of
importing of computer and communications equipment and in terms of SPECialicg
manpower as a way of encouraging the development of IT applications in th
Israeli economy.
The sub-committee for /7 in Education recommended tax exemptions for
computer equipment to be used in schools. The sub-committee for /7 in the
Industrial & Business Sector also referred to the possibility of tax reductions on
equipment as a method for increasing IT penetration into the economy. The
sub-committee for /7 in Education, Employment and Social Impacts and
Research and Higher Education stressed the need to make arrangements which
would allow Israeli university and industrial staff to spend their sabbatical and
professional further training periods in Israel. The sub-committee on Research and
Higher Education proposed tax exemption of contributions made by industry to
the Academia.
List of Plenary Committee Members
Dr. Jehuda Kella -
Dr. Menachem Tassa -
Prof. Shalom Abarbanel —
Dr. Yoel Adir -
Dr. Roni Atar! -
Mali Baron? —
Yoram Barsela -
Abraham Bitzur? -
Prof. Zeev Frankel* > -
Shmuel Friedrich” te
Prof. Abraham Gintzburg —
Dr. Gideon Halevi _
—— CO eee _ eee esc s
Chairman, Chief Scientist, Ministry of
Deputy Chairman, Advisor for Advanced Technolo-
gies, Ministry of Science & Development
Department of Mathematics, Tel-Aviv University
Computational Centre, Refael
Formerly from the Computers Department, Bank
Budgets Division, Ministry of Finance
Deputy Legal Advisor to the Government, Ministry
of Justice
Former Advisor for Computer Affairs, Ministry of
Department of Nuclear Physics, Weizmann Institute
for Science
Former Director General of the Ministry of Econo-
mics & Interministerial Coordination, currently
Director of Sheldor Ltd.
President of the Open University
Formerly from Israel Military Industry, currently
from Al-Robotics Ltd.
appointment terminated 23.8.84
appointed 17.10.83
appointment terminated 17.10.83
appointed 3.2.83
appointment terminated 27.11.83
Shlomo Herskovic
Prof. Yaacov Katzenelson
Carl Keren®
Prof. Aryeh Lavi
Gideon Lev?
Yair Levin
Zeeva Levy”
Yaacov Lorberboim
Yosef Maayan®
Israel Meidan
Dr. Dan Milin
Avi Peri
Prof. Shmuel Pinhas
Benjamin Peled
Prof. Kenneth Price
Department of R&D Economics, National Council
for Science & Development
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Technion
Former Director, Centre for Scientific & Technolo-
gical Information, Ministry of Energy &
Former Chief Scientist, Ministry of Industry &
Director, Curnet Ltd.
Ministry of Education
Former Director, Centre for Scientific & Technolo-
gical Information, Ministry of Energy &
Director of the Instructional Television Centre
Elron Electronics
Former Director of the Israel Institute of
Advisor for Computer Applications in Training
Formerly from IDF, currently Director of Clal-
Maarachot Ltd.
Head of Hadassah Medical Centre
Director, Elbit Ltd.
Mechanical Faculty,
6 appointment terminated 11.11.84
7 appointed 11.11.84
8 appointed 29.8.84
Prof. Yosef Raviv -
Prof. Zvi Rizzel -
Colonel Daniel Rosenne —
Yaacov Saphir -
A.D. Sela? a
Prof. Eliyahu Shamir -
Prof, M. Sneider? -
Gideon Snir -
Prof. Yaacov Shveika* -
Catriel Tzimet -
Director, Scientific Research Centre, 1BM Israel
Applied Mathematics Department, Weizmann Insti-
tute for Science
Signal & Electronics Corps, IDF
Director of the national Council for Research &
Cur Ltd.
Mathematics & Computer Sciences Department,
Hebrew University in Jerusalem
Formerly from Bar Ilan University
Budgets Division, Ministry of Finance
Mathematics & Computer Sciences Department, Bar
Ilan University
Head of Systems Analysis & Data Processing Depart-
ment, Telerad Ltd.
jcc nnn TEE
9 appointment terminated 3.2.83
List of Chairmen of Subcommittees
Subcommittee for Legislation & Data
Bases Policy
Subcommittee for Services for the
Subcommittee for Employment
& Social Impacts
Subcommittee for Technologies
Subcommittee for IT in the Industry
& Business Sector ;
Subcommittee for IT in the Health
Subcommittee for Research &
Higher Education
Subcommittee for Telecommunications
Subcommittee for IT in Education
Yoram Barsela
Gideon Lev
Israel Meidan
Benjamin Peled (till 1.4.84)
Yosef Maayan (from 1.4.84)
Dr. Roni Atar (till 28.3.84)
Catriel Tzimet (from 23.8.84)
Prof. Shmuel Pinhas
Prof. Zeev Frankel (till 27.11.83)
Prof. Yosef Raviv (from 1.1.84)
— Colonel Daniel Rosenne
Prof. Yaacov Shveika