- שנה: 1991
- מו"ל: דיגיטל ישראל
- פורמט: עלון פרסומת
- נמסר ע"י: ענת כרמי
- תגיות:
OCR (הסבר)
The Challenge
of Rapid Change
main features:
MSO’s are facing a rapidly changing and highly competitive market at
the same time that customer service and flexibility requirements are on
the rise. It is becoming much harder to remain profitable while coping
with these changes without an advanced information system.
WIZARD employs Digital’s development environment and in depth
knowledge of the cable television industry to meet this challenge.
p> Customer Service - WIZARD starts with an easy to learn customer
service and order entry core that provides all the tools a busy
Customer Service Representative (CSR) needs. It includes all daily
activity, allowing the CSR to view complete customer history, orders,
service calls, complaints and accounts receivable ledger activity. The
cable operator may keep as much or as little history as desired.
Account Display
Acct: 36105-7 Ty: REG St: AC i Bal: 19.00
URANIGS : 19.00
106 POLK ST i
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 29666 CR1234 0.00
Fr: FO1 Sys: S01 Cyc: 1 Freq: 1 Oey
Addr status: WIRED- 3 HOT 7 000) |
Ph: 405-343-4364 erences
Bus: 003 ADDITIONAL OUTSVC 1 04/23/91
Inst: 11/20/90 SIs: 082 Camp: CPN {9 apprTIONAL OUTSVC 1 11/20/90
001 BASIC SER VICE 1 11/20/90
001 JE90001 999
002 SA40001 54321
003 JE90002 0
> Homes Passed - Is the database of addresses within the scope of
management areas, franchises, and systems under the control of
WIZARD. This information can cover addresses associated and not
associated with customer accounts.
b> Manager’s Monitor - With the push of a button the manager can
review and analyze statistics on receivables, subscribers, penetration
revenue per sub, installs, disconnects, and trouble calls.
Comparisons are provided for the beginning of the week, month and
p Accounts Receivable - The CSR may enter, print and post payments
and adjustments plus handle payments processed through bank
lockboxes. In addition, this function allows the manager a full range of
financial reports.
> Collections - WIZARD features a complete collections subsystem that
assists you in controlling bad debt, thus improving your bottom line. It
includes complete billing and delinquency information for the CSR.
Collection management allows the cable operator to define notices,
messages, late charges, soft disconnects, nonpay disconnect work
orders, and transfers to collection agencies.
» Billing and Statements - The operator can generate monthly charges
and statements. No down time is required due to assessment of charges
or month-end close! WIZARD is always up and running. It provides
daily billing cycle at any desired frequency from monthly to annual.
» Promotions - WIZARD gives the cable manager the flexibility of setting
promotion periods and discount amounts. WIZARD also provides for
easy display of promotional rates and information. It will automatically
apply the appropriate promotional rate and duration to the account
when a promotion is selected. Not only that, it automatically returns the
customer to the standard rate when the promotional period is over.
p Addressability - WIZARD allows the operator to automatically
authorize customers to receive additional services with the push of a
button. Using this function the customer is billed exactly for the
services he ordered.
p> Pay Per View - (PPV) - Using this function WIZARD will provide.a
method for subscribers to purchase special events. Pay Per View is
made possible through the use of addressable converters which allows
special feature programs and movies to be sold to subscribers on a
one-time,one-fee basis.
p> Technical/Outages - WIZARD allows the operator to maintain and
analyze outage information, maintain addressable control parameters
and track plant maintenance.
p> Inventory - Inventory problems are now a thing of the past!
WIZARD easily shows what converters are on hand as well as all the
converters assigned to a particular location. it allows for testing
addressable converters in-house or in the field, and can print inventory
reports on demand.
p> Marketing and Sales - Combine your homes passed data with
subscriber data for sophisticated reports. Create reports analyzing
churn, subscriber life, campaigns, and promotions.
The relational database allows for a totally open system that is
incredibly easy to access and manipulate.
WIZARD was developed with the most advanced tools which are
state of the art in the computer industry:
- RDB - Digital Relational Data Base Management System to
insure data integrity and accessibility for all users.
- CDD - Digital’s active Data Dictionary. The key to
enterprise-wide information management.
- VAXset - The Digital package of software development tools to
improve development productivity and quality. Includes:
LSE - Language Sensitive Editor,
CMS - Code Management System,
MMS - Module Management System,
DTM - DEC Test Management and more.
-RALLY - Digital’s powerful fourth generation development
- DECforms - First
implementation of The BIZAR9 Services Information Ust = Script
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Digital Equipment Corporation is the world’s leading manufacturer of
networked computer systems and associated peripheral equipment. It is
the leader in systems integration with its networks, communications,
services, and software products. A Fortune 30 company, Digital employs
over 121,000 people worldwide.
WIZARD ‘is fully owned, marketed and serviced by Digital Equipment
Corporation through its sales and technical service offices in more
than 70 countries worldwide. Please contact your local Digital sales
representative for more information.
Digital believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date; such
information is subject to change without notice. Digital is not responsible for any
inadvertent errors.
The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: